Chapter 12- Abuse

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"NO!" I screamed, throwing my hands up to protect my face and head as I watched his foot coming toward my face.  The impacts caused more damage than his boot, I think I have a broken finger or two but I'm more concerned about why I'm seeing three of his fists instead of one. The next blow to my head caused me to blackout or pass out.

When I wake again he is nowhere to be found. The abuse was all I knew, for years it was like this the non-stop abuse. I'm still in the kitchen from earlier as I'm standing I get a sudden rush as if I'm not supposed to be here. I look around to make sure no one is here, I make my way up to my room and pick up my clothes, I clean my room and then the house and start dinner because I know he will be angry if I don't have it ready by the time he gets home.

As soon as dinner is done he walks in and ignores me and sits at the table waiting to be served. I make his plate fast and quickly rush over and place it in front of him. Knowing before he even says anything I walk over to the refrigerator and take out a beer for him twisting it open as I walk back and then placing it in front of his plate. He doesn't say anything and I take it as a compliment and disappear before he can say anything to me. I wait in the bedroom for the sound of the tv once I hear it I make my way to the kitchen and clean up. As I am putting away the dishes I hear my name.

"Allie," The voice was faint but I know I heard it. Thinking maybe it was him I walk to the doorway of the living room.

"Did you say my name?" this seemed to irritate him.

"If I said your damn name you would fucking know it!" he yelled angrily at me I just nodded taking the cue to leave it alone. Just as I was getting back to the dishes I hear it again but just a bit louder this time, as if someone were standing right next to me.

"Allie." The voice was familiar but I couldn't place it. It sounded as if it were in pain.  A loud crash catches my attention from the living room. I run to see what was going on when I was in the doorway I find glass everywhere. The beer bottle.    

I look at him and all he says is "Another one," after a moment of me just standing there trying to comprehend what just happened he sees that I am still standing there, "NOW! DID I FUCKING STUTTER?" I drop my head and shake out a no and by some miracle, I squeak out "yes sir." I turn and run to get him another. As I reenter the room I walk swiftly to him and hand him the beer.

"Clean that mess up now," he said annoyed. I quickly grab the broom and start sweeping up the mess.

"Allie." Yet another just as painful as the last. I look up at him, to see if he had been messing with me somehow before but his eyes were hooked on the TV, but then something caught my eye there was a figure standing behind him. I am kind of used to the weird thing that happens to me at this point but nothing like this has ever been so vivid before.  The gasp I didn't mean to let out caught his attention and he looked to where I was looking behind him. Almost as soon as he looked behind him the figure was gone, disappeared. As I looked at him he looked back at me and as we locked eyes he was out of his chair his fist in a tight ball already ready to make contact with my face.

"WHO WERE YOU TALKING TO? WHO ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME WITH?" He yelled at me hitting me over and over. I could barely get the words out.

"No one, baby. I love you." Even as I said the words I knew they were not true. As I laid on the floor waiting for the darkness to take me I wondered if I have ever truly meant it.

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