Abandon Ship

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"It'll be back." You warned.

"We have to get off the ship." He realized.

"There's no boats." Elizabeth countered. Will looked around.

"Pull the grates. Get all the gunpowder onto the net in the cargo hold!" He ordered. Will handed a musket to Elizabeth.

"Whatever you do dont miss." He told Elizabeth.

"As soon as you're clear." She answered. You and Will ran under to the barracks.

"There's only half a dozen kegs of gunpowder!" Gibbs ran up to you.

"Then load the rum!" Will shot back. You ran after Will. For the life of you all you could not find Jack. You suddenly were pulled to the side.

"Y/n. You need to come with me." Jack ordered as he kept pulling you through the ship.

"Where are we going?" You asked.

"Proving that I only want the best for you." He answered. He brought you to one of the life boats and put you in there, quickly and silently lowering you down to the sea.

"So we're just going to run then? Leave everyone behind? Leave me brother behind?" You said. How could he just be leaving.

"The kraken is after the Pearl because Jones knows that that is the ship I'm on. The kraken will not stop until the Pearl is at the bottom of the ocean." Jack explained.

"So we're running like cowards? Leaving people we both care about behind? What about Will? Elizabeth? Gibbs?" You tried to argue hopelessly. He looked at you with a somber expression.

"Y/n do you want to live or not. Please just trust that I don't want you to meet the fate I know is coming." Jack put a hand on your face.

"Fine. Only because there's no way I can bare to be there when the only people who've had my best interest dies." You crossed your arms. Jack started to sail away. When you were a good ways away from the Pearl you heard a thunk that made you jump, because you knew what it meant. You saw the giant tentacles of the kraken jump up.

"No." You stood up. You couldn't just let them die at sea to be fated to the bottom of the ocean because of Jacks selfishness.

"Y/n what are you doing?" Jack asked, alarmed.

"Elizabeth! Will!" You waved your arms trying to get their attention.

"Dammit y/n!" Jack tried to pull you down.

"You're being selfish!" You kicked his arm. He finally gave up. He looked back and forth between the spit of land and the ship. He pulled out his compass and studied it for a bit. He started rowing back to the Pearl. You watched as Will was standing on the net of barrels of gunpowder and rum as the tried to heave it all up. You had an idea of what they were going to do. The net started swinging back and forth as Will struggled to fight. Elizabeth held the musket ready to shoot at all the gunpowder. You and Jack finally ran aboard. You ran around trying to fight where you could.

"Shoot! Elizabeth. Shoot!" Will ordered as he swung with the net. One of the tentacles captured Elizabeth's leg and she was pulled back. One of the crew members chopped of the tentacle so she could run and get the musket, but not before another man snatched it up, who then was also quickly snatched up and dropped the musket. Elizabeth ran quickly to retrieve it. She almost had it when Jack stepped on the musket. Will was finally clear and fell off the net. Jack finally aimed...

And the shot hit perfectly, causing a giant explosion. This time, they had injured the kraken enough to finally make it take a slightly more permanent retreat.

"Did we kill it?" The short crew member asked.

"No." Gibbs answered gravely. "We just made it angry." He answered. "We're not out of this yet. Captain, orders!" He ran up to Jack frantically.

"Abandon ship into the longboat." Jack answered.

"Jack. The Pearl." Gibbs followed behind.

"She's only a ship mate." Jack answered. He had the most sad expression on his face. You could tell how much it truly hurt him to leave his beloved ship he got himself into this mess over.

"He's right. We have to head for land." You said.

"That's a lot of open water." Pintel observed.

"Yeah. A lot of water." Ragetti agreed.

"We have to try. We can escape as it takes down the Pearl." Will said.

"Abandon ship." Gibbs decided. "Abandon ship or abandon hope!" The rest of the crew headed down to the longboat. Elizabeth stayed on deck with Jack for a little bit. He walked around the deck somberly. You could tell he didn't want to leave.

"Thank you, Jack." She walked up to him.

"We're not free yet love." He turned around.

"You came back." She smiled. "I always knew you were a good man." They looked at eachother for a moment. You and Will watched as it caught your attention right as you were descending. Their lips met, and you and him were repulsed. You looked at eachother.

"Will! Y/n! Move!" Gibbs ordered. You finally started climbing down. You bent over the side of the longboat a threw up, went into a coughing fit, and started hyperventilating. You never thought you would feel this type of hurt over a man. Will put a hand on your back and gave you a knowing look.

"Y/n. Y/n look at me please!" Will put his hands on your face and had you look at him. "I know. I feel it too." You broke down and put your head on his lap and he stroked your hair. You focused on trying to slow your breathing. Elizabeth finally climbed down and sat in the ship.

"Where's Jack?" Will asked shortly. Him and Elizabeth exchanged mistrusting stares.

"He elected to stay behind to give us a chance." She answered. You all looked up.

"Good for him." You sat up and crossed your arms. You could see the guilty expression on Elizabeth's face.

"Go!" She ordered. You watched as the kraken slowly climbed up the Pearl. You heard it roar at Jack. You watched as the tentacles wrapped around the ship. Slowly swallowing the whole thing and bringing it down into the sea.

"The Captain goes down with the ship." You all looked around at eachother, in disbelief that not even Jack Sparrow, could outrun the devil.

An Unfortunate Reunion. Jack Sparrow x Reader. Book 2 Where stories live. Discover now