bedwars sweat || purpled

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plot: angsty bedwars friends

a/n grammar mistakes maybe lololol

tw:: swords, mentions of falling

twist: minecraft but irl. you die in bedwars, for example, you can respawn, but only a limited amount of times. nobody but yourself knows how many respawns you have.

pronouns: she/they

purpled pov::

i looked up at the leaderboard, all the too bedwars players statuses glowing in front of me. i scanned the board for my name, locating it in 2nd place. i scowled. i looked to see who was in 1st, and my scowl went away. 

in 1st place was my best friend, y/n. y/n used to be at the bottom ranks of bedwars before i befriended them. ever since then, we've trained together every chance we got. we always teamed together in bedwars matches, learning tips and tricks from other players as we played. y/n always worked hard. her goal was to be the best. 

the smile on my face was filled with proudness. i looked down at my wrist, and frowned slightly. 

i only had one respawn left. 

i sighed, pulling my sleeve farther over my wrist. nobody could see it, but i didn't wanna risk it. i guess that's what i get for being reckless every match we compete in. i tore my eyes away from the leaderboard and scanned the small lobby for y/n. they said we'd play another round of bedwars in 45 minutes. 

i spotted them hanging near the shops, buying little trinkets and such. i bounded over to her and crept up behind them, grabbing their shoulders and yelling in their ear.


i doubled over in laughter as y/n leapt up in the air, shrieking. the trinket she held in her hands fumbled to the floor. they narrowed their eyes at me as they bent over and picked up the trinket. a small ruby red chinese dragon statuette. it was about the size of her index finger, and it was attached to a golden chain, allowing y/n to clasp it around her neck for safekeeping.

"ignoring the stunt you pulled...duos?" y/n dusted themself off, smiling and dragging me to the bedwars gamemodes. i nodded, asking the duos statue for a server. i felt dizzy, and the dizziness suddenly stopped. i regained my balance and looked around the even smaller lobby for y/n. 

y/n was skipping around the glass and wood container we were kept in until more people spawned, singing a random song i didn't know of. i smiled at her antics. some people in the lobby were visibly nervous, seeing as the two best bedwars players were in the lobby. 

the starting soon bell chimed, notifying us that the round was about to begin. i took y/n hand and smiled, earning myself a chuckle and a big grin. 

3rd person

y/n spawned into their base, dusting themselves off and smiling. 

"alright, purp, are we doing the butterfly defense or-" y/n stopped herself, not seeing grayson, but another player. the player seemed nervous, seeing that this obviously wasn't their partner either.

"oh lord have mercy, the teams must've glitched..." y/n cursed, plastering a smile on her face and looping her arm around the frightened player.

"soo, the teams glitched and now we're partners. i'm y/n, as you might, before we potentially get slaughtered, mind telling me yer name?" y/n smiled, picking up some loot from their iron and gold generator. the other player stuttered before giving a name.

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