dream || you used me.

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summary: y/n visits dream in jail w/ tommy.

tw: yelling, crying, mentions of manipulation, one hurting the other physically.

pronouns: they/them

song that fits: evelyn evelyn

"we're here, y/n"

y/n snapped their head up towards sam, his figure towering over theirs. they nodded their head, motioning them to unlock the door that led to dream's cell. they looked to tommy, who's face was in a scowl, probably at the mere thought of seeing the man who caused all his pain over the last few months. and they couldn't blame him. 

tommy entered first, his scowl turning into a smirk as he recalled the events aloud to dream, who sat on the floor of his cell, a dark look on his face. 

"well, well, wellllll.." tommy mocked, dragging out the last 'well'. dream slowly looked up, giving y/n a good look at their past lover. his hair wasn't tamed like he always kept it, it was spiked in all different directions, his lips were chapped and cracked, his eyes were dull, not full of cockiness and pep like they used to be. 

the blonde scoffed, his eyes flickering to y/n. his mood lifted for a moment, then he took in the look on their face, and slightly shrunk backward. tommy noticed the action and laughed. 

"HAHAA- scared of me, green man?" 


y/n tuned out tommy's ranting, glancing at sam, who was keeping track of the 5 minutes they each had to see dream. y/n didn't really wanna listen to tommy yell and yell, that's all he's been doing ever since he won, and while yes, it was exciting for y/n as well, but it was also giving them a headache. 

by the time they finished their thought, tommy's 5 minutes was up. 

"tommy, times up, wait in the lobby for y/n." sam deadpanned, ushering tommy out. sam looked at y/n before speaking.

"want me to leave you in here alone? i know what he's done to you and i just wanna-" sam was cut off by y/n nodding and pushing him outside before he could finish. after the door closed, y/n turned to dream, the timer starting. dream sighed and gathered the courage to finally look at y/n. 

"so, got anything to say?" y/n leaned against the wall, watching dream as he shifted on the ground so he was against the cell wall. y/n had a good look at his cell; it was roomy, but not huge. he had a small cot, which didn't look comfortable AT ALL. and a toilet, as well as a working sink. 

"i-i'm so sorry, i know punz and sapnap probably told you everything but y/n i promise you, i wasn't trying to hurt-" dream stammered, but was silenced by y/n slamming their hands on the cell bars. the look on their face was haunting and dark. dangerous. 


y/n let go of the bars, pacing the small hallway, chuckling. 

"you tell me you didn't want to hurt me, yet you manipulated me, used me to your advantage, and fucking lied straight to my goddamn face," y/n spat, venom pooling their words. dream gulped and fiddling with his hoodie strings. y/n scoffed at his reaction. 

"nothing to say, eh? cat got your tongue?" they sneered, repeating what jack had said at the final battle. dream looked up at them, looking defeated. 

"i know what i did was so fucking wrong, y/n, baby, but i did it to protect you." dream stood up and slowly made his way to the front of the cell. y/n stopped pacing and whipped their head towards the blonde man. they started to laugh. 

"you don't get to 'baby' me anymore, clay. i fucking trusted you. i risked my fucking life for your stupid ass. and y'know what? tommy was right. you were just using me, like a fucking pawn." y/n screamed, anger flaring giant flames in their eyes, dream's eyes filled with tears, eventually spilling when he heard their tone getting colder and harsher. hot tears were uncontrollably spilling from his dull, green eyes. 

y/n stalked closer towards the cell, dream's hands gripped the iron bars, trembling. they grabbed one of his hands, they felt ice cold compared to their warm ones. his were calloused and bruised, covered in scars, while y/n's were soft and smooth. 

they dug their nails into his skin, dream yelping in surprise and pain. y/n smiled. 

"that hurt? that's what my fucking heart felt like when i found out you were playing me." y/n seethed, dream trying to break away from their grip. with every moment of struggle, their grip tightened. dream just couldn't see now, he wanted them to leave, but didn't at the same time. he knew he deserved this. he knew he deserved the pain they were putting on him. 

"you know what punz told me, dream? he said 'he was playing you, using you to advance himself and beat tommy. i'm really fuckin' sorry.' " y/n copied punz's voice, watching dream cower, his hand still in y/n's iron grip. they let go suddenly, sending dream crashing to the floor. he cradled his hand, and looked up at y/n. he truly did love them, he knew he absolutely fucked up his relationship with them, he played them, manipulated them, broke them. all because of the discs. 

"so, were all those dates in the flower fields and that pretty pond by niki's house all just a part of your plan? huh?" y/n asked, softer this time. dream opened his mouth to answer, but was cut off by y/n's soft sobs, but they weren't frowning, they were smiling and sobbing at the same time. 

the door opened, and sam poked his head in, gesturing to y/n it was time to leave. 

y/n wiped their eyes, smiling sweetly at dream, acting as if they hadn't just leave fingernail scars on his hand moments ago, or screamed in his face. he wasn't complaining. he absolutely deserved it, he deserved every stone cold word y/n threw at him. 

"hm, looks like our time is up!" y/n giggled, skipping towards sam. they looked back one final time, their hand slithering to the light switch. dream's eyes widened. y/n knew he was deathly afraid of the dark. 

"nonono, y/n please, don't leave me in the dark!" dream pleaded, racing up to the cell bars and shaking them, tears yet again spilling over his freckled cheeks. y/n giggled, a murderous look in their eyes, and with a graceful swipe, the lights died out. the only like emitting from the lit up hallway y/n was standing in. 

"buh-bye, dreamy, i'll see you sometime soon!" y/n chirped, before slamming the iron door shut, leaving dream curled up in a ball on his cot, sobbing.

1114 words.

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