Chapter 5

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Mia's pov

15 minutes later, my doorbell rings. As I open the door, Tory steps in and blurts, "Holy shit I know your car is nice, but I didn't know you live in Encino your house is nice as fuck"

I laugh "Yea uh my dad was one of the best doctors back in Nevada."

"Damn girl, if this is your house I never want you over at mine" She walks around glancing at everything.

"Yea well that doesn't mean the inside is just as nice" I state.

She looks over and meets my eyes, "Felt that one"

A second of awkward silence passes.

"Anyways, are you hungry? we have a bunch of snacks and after sorting through boxes for the last couple of hours, I could use a snack as well" I said, attempting to lighten the mood.

"Omg yes, I'm starving"

I make my way over to the pantry cabinet and start pulling out a crap ton of whatever caught my eye and pile them in my arms

Dumping them on the kitchen island, Tory's eyes widen as she took in the amount of food I pulled out. Oreos, pretzels, Doritos, goldfish, crackers, popcorn, gummies, and two bottles of vodka.

"Holy shit are you expecting anyone else?"

"Nope, this just means we have a lot of variety to choose from" I reply grinning.

"Let's go to my room do you mind helping my carry this stuff"

"Yea sure," she said eyeing the vodka

We made our way upstairs to my room and dump everything on my bed.

"Wow your room is like empty besides all of the boxes"

I glance up from opening a package of oreos, "Yea I've been too busy sorting through all of the boxes downstairs I haven't even had time to start on my own room. It's taking me forever since I have to do it all alone since my dad is never home for anything other than to sleep" I say bitterly.

Tory sits down opposite from me.

"I'm sorry about your dad, I shouldn't have judged you so quickly from just looking at your house"

I smile softly, "It's ok, I'm used to being alone anyway, at least it's made me learn to be independant"

"Don't worry I feel the exact same way, my mom's sick and got fired from her job for the most fucked up reason, so it's up to me to keep my little brother and mom going and sometimes its really hard, but Cobra Kai has really helped me cope with all of the stress and in so many other ways"

"I'm so sorry you have to go through all of this Tory, but if you ever need anything just let me know ok, i'm here for you" I sent her an encouraging smile.

"Thanks Mia. Why did you move here anyway? Not that I'm complaining, just curious" she questions popping a pretzel in her mouth.

I hesitate, "I lost someone really important to me in an accident and I couldn't bear staying there any longer. My dad searched for other jobs for me and he found one here so here I am. How's you and Miguel though, you guys are really cute" I remark, steering clear away from the topic of why I moved here.

Thankfully, Tory took the hint.

It wasn't that I didn't trust her or lied, I told part of the truth, I just couldn't seem to bring myself to tell the whole story. The pain of what really happened was still too fresh for me to talk to someone else about.

"Miguel and I are fine, I'll admit I get worried about him and his ex sometimes, but he's a good guy so I trust him. Not to mention a really good kisser, but you would rather know if that applies to Hawk I'm guessing" she smirks at me and I grab a pillow and throw it at her.

"I barely even know him, besides, who's Miguel's ex?"

Her expression darkens, "Sam LaRusso. This is leading us into your brief education on what it means to be a part of Cobra Kai."

I lean forward eagerly, "explain. "

"You probably haven't heard of another dojo around here, but there's one named Miyagi-Do run by Daniel LaRusso, Sam's dad. Daniel and our sensei Johnny have been rivals since they were young and Daniel beat Johnny in the All Valley Tournament with an illegal kick and practically stole Johnny's whole future along with it. Even today the rivalry is as strong as ever and extends to us students making both our dojos extremely nasty and competitive towards one another."

"Damn, do the two dojos teach the exact same thing though?"

She says proudly, "Nope, this is also the reason why Cobra Kai is the better option. You saw the writing on the wall, 'Strike First-Strike Hard-No Mercy'. The real world is ruthless and so you have to be too, it's a shame you weren't able to be taught by Kreese since in my opinion, he teaches it better than Sensei Lawrence ever could."

I nod along, impressed.

"So what does Miyagi-Do learn?" I question.

She rolls her eyes before explaining, "They capitalize purely on self-defense and showing mercy towards others. They do meditation shit and claim they never make the first move. Sounds like a bunch of pansy pussy shit to me, not to mention fat ass hypocrites considering they've initiated their fair share of fights against us as well."

I snort, "Yea I agree, they sound like a bunch of uptight pussies who think they're above us. I'm pretty sure I haven't mentioned it to you yet, but I've been practicing karate for over 3 years through my uncle. He taught and drilled ideals similar to Cobra Kai's into me and I can honestly say he shaped me into the person I am today. He was more a father to me than my real father is, to be honest."

"No wonder you're so good at karate, he sounds really cool, do you think I can ever meet him? I'd kill to learn how to land a lightning kick like you" she asks eagerly.

I smile sadly, "He passed away about a year ago, but not before he taught me everything he knows. I've continued my training on my own ever since until now"

She moves to sit beside me and puts her arms around me, "Well I'm so happy I met you because in just a couple of hours you've become the closest thing I've ever had to a best friend"

I hug her back, "It's getting late, do you want to stay the night? If you have to go take care of your family though I completely understand"

She pauses to consider my offer, "Yea that'd be great, I already left food out on the stove so I'll text my mom real quick to tell my brother to reheat those in the microwave. They can survive one night without me."

I grin, "Great"

We spend the rest of the night talking about everything, her hatred for Sam, the other Miyagi-dos, our lives, dreams, with the only topic being avoided was the full reason behind my move to Encino.

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