Chapter 16

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Hawk's pov

I sit in 1st period, wondering where the heck Mia is. I had gotten here early to wait for her at the main front doors until the very last warning bell and she still didn't show.

The amount of jokes from the night before I had to endure was absolute torture. I hadn't bothered to text her again, knowing she most likely still wouldn't answer, and was waiting to talk to her in person.

I turn to Miguel beside me.

"You haven't seen her yet have you?"

He shakes his head. "Mia? No, if you haven't seen her yet man then nobody has. I got enough on my mind anyway"

"Oh yea about that, go you man"

He gives me a look. "What do you mean"

Before I could even think about what I was saying, my mouth runs off.

"Why limit yourself to one chick, I'm planning to have a full rotation by midterms" I reply cockily.

He raises an eyebrow at me. "Is Mia supposed to be part of that rotation?"

I pause. Before I could swallow my pride and take back my words, a commotion happens over the announcements and everyone in the class falls silent.

"Samantha LaRusso. You know what you did and now you're going to pay for it. I'm coming for you bitch!" Tory's voice echoes over the announcements.

Next to me, Miguel's eyes widen and as the bell rings for passing period, he stands up and sprints out the door.

Following close behind, I take a different route to get to the action quicker.

Pushing my way through the swarm of students, I shove my way to the front and witness Tory and Sam face off.

Soon enough, they start to fight, and before I know what was happening, fighting breaks out amongst both dojos and we clash violently in the hall.

Not needing an excuse to beat someone up, I make my way through, punching and kicking anyone who dares to cross me.

I exhale in relief as I finally get to work out all of the tension and anger I had bottled up from the previous day.

Every injury I got only fired me up further and I relentlessly attack Miyagi-Do alongside my fellow Cobras.


Mia's pov

I start my car engine and head to school a little earlier than when Tory told me to come as I had planned.

When I got there, instead of the quietness I was expecting, there was a crap ton of noise spilling out from inside.

Curious, I walk up and open the front door.

I freeze in my tracks as I take in the pandemonium I had just walked into.

My eyes flicker to Tory holding herself on the stairs and before I could take a step towards her, I hear the loudest crack as Miguel's figure falls from the second story railing and slams his back against the bottom floor's railing.

Silence takes over the once deafening school as everyone freezes and stares in horror. Kids who were once fighting each other stop and back away from each other.

Quickly regaining my bearings, I was among the first to be useful and I race to Miguel's body to check for a pulse.

Breathing a sigh of relief when I manage to find one, I step back as the ambulance starts to pile in and let them do their job.

All around me, students are either crying or frozen in shock.

My eyes land on Hawk nearby who's watching the ambulance lift Miguel into a stretcher with a blank look on his face.

Before I could stop myself, I take a couple of strides over to him and take his beaten up face in my hands.

Breaking out of his trance, he stares at me in shock.

Ignoring his gaze, I survey the injuries on his face.

"You need to get cleaned up. Do you know where the locker rooms are?"

He nods numbly and starts to lead the way.

As we pass by, I make eye contact with Tory and we silently acknowledge each other.

She nods at me to go with Hawk and I send her an encouraging smile in response.

We walk side by side, the both of us at a loss for words.

Once we get to the locker room, I push him to sit down on the bench and head into the coach's office to look around for a first aid kit.

After rummaging through a few cabinets, I finally find it and grab a couple of ice packs in the freezer on my way out.

Settling myself down on the bench next to him, we turn to face each other and I open up the first aid kit.

I take his face back into mine and the both of us remain silent as I work through the many cuts along his face with the antiseptic ointment.

I feel his eyes on me as I treat his face and do my best to ignore his intense gaze.

After finishing treating his cuts, I move on to bandage his hands.

I finish up the stuff I can treat and take a deep breath before breaking the silence between us.

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