Chapter 10

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Mia's pov

The following day I sleep in late until noon.

The previous night, I was up replaying the day's events through my mind. Part of me knew I was definitely falling for Hawk, but the other part of me was desperately trying to keep my guard up, reminding myself of Tory's words.

Yawning, I head downstairs to make myself breakfast. As expected, my dad was already gone and I pour myself a bowl of cereal and milk.

Checking the time, I decide to skip practice and just spend the rest of the day unpacking the rest of the boxes.

Shooting Tory a text that I wasn't coming and to update me later on her night with Miguel, I put my dishes down the sink and head into the living room to sort through the rest of the boxes.

After a couple of hours, I finally finish and make my way up to my room.

Exhausted, I flop on my bed and drift off to sleep.


I wake up suddenly when my phone starts to ring. Groaning, I open my eyes and answer my phone.

"Hey Tor what's up" I say sleepily

"I actually hate that bitch Sam."

My eyes widen and I sit up. "What happened?"

"She shows up with her new boyfriend Robby and then has the nerve to talk to Miguel. All I did was lightly shove her and she goes and trips me when I'm holding an entire tray of food. The only good thing was that she got kicked out."

"Ugh what a bitch. That girl sounds like she has problems" I respond with a look of disgust

"She definitely does" Tory replies in agreement.

"Anyways, Miguel and I are heading to the dojo so I can let off some steam, wanna come?"

I pause to check the time- 8 pm.

"Nah I'm good, I was just about to go shower anyway. I wouldn't want to third wheel either" I tease through the phone

She laughs "Ok see you tomorrow then" and hangs up.

Picking myself off my bed I start to head to the bathroom until my phone flashes again. I feel my heart start to beat a little faster as I read who the text was from

Hey it's Hawk. Where were u today?

I type out my response.

Sorry I slept in late and decided to stay home. Had to finish unpacking anyway.

I stare at my phone, waiting for his response. I wonder if he's going to mention anything about the other day.

I could've come over and helped.

I hold back a smile. I guess not.

Thanks, but I finished pretty fast. Besides, you need the practice more than I do🤪

Shut up😠 I'm gonna beat you one day just wait

I laugh

In your dreams.

With that, I toss my phone on my bed and head to go shower, events from the previous day coming back to the forefront of my mind.


Hawk's pov

In your dreams.

The text flashes across my screen and I can't help but smile.

Putting my phone down, I replay the previous night's events.

Hearing her story had me completely shocked at the fact a girl this gorgeous would be put through something like that. Her openness and vulnerability with me triggered something within me and before I knew it, I found myself doing the same.

Any walls I had built up after becoming Hawk were chipped away and I found myself baring my soul to her. The past I had tried many times to forget came spilling out.

The rest of the day couldn't have gone more perfectly and before I realized what was happening, her lips were on mine.

Completely frozen, I numbly got out and watched as she drove away. My heart racing faster than I ever thought possible and my lips still tingling I stood in the same spot for a minute, trying to process everything that had just happened.

"Bye Eli" her words float back to me and a smile starts to grace my face as I realized what she had called me.

Somehow, she was the only person I could forgive for calling me Eli. The name coming from her lips sounded almost angelic. Anyone else who dared would've been dead.

Bringing myself back to the present, I reach my hand up and lightly touch my scar.

The scar I've hated my whole life and wanted nothing more than to erase from the world.

I close my eyes and briefly remember her warm hands on my face.

The scar that had been the bane of my existence for as long as I could remember. She had made it seem like the most beautiful thing ever.

I debate responding and potentially mentioning the events that had occurred the previous day.

Shaking my head, I curse myself for being so weak about a girl all while not being able to get her off of my mind.

I spend the rest of my night running different ways to approach her the next day through my mind.

All I know is that I'm falling for her faster than I thought possible and that Moon is the furthest person from my mind.

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