Chapter 14

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Mia's pov

The second I step outside, I hear the fall of a stool and a body hit the ground while the crowd around me hoots and hollers.

About time Tory beat that bitch.

Pushing my way to the front, my face goes from triumphant to one of concern as I see Tory sprawled on her back painfully.

Quickly rushing to her side, I help Miguel help her up.

"I'm gonna take her inside to get cleaned up," I tell Miguel. He nods and stays behind, concerned.

I grab Tory's arm and we start to head inside, but not being able to help myself, I kick Sam's stool on my way out causing her to fall on her side.

She winces on the ground and Robby runs to her side and turns to glare at me.

"Whoops, sorry Sam, accidents happen" I shoot back over my shoulder nastily. Today is not the day to mess with me.

I follow Tory inside and we head to an empty bedroom.

"Are you ok Tor" I ask her concerned.

She clutches her lower back and moves to sit on the bed. "I'm fine just a little sore, my pride's just mainly bruised. Thanks for getting some payback for me" she says referencing my kicking Sam's stool.

I nod and sit down next to her. "Yeah, of course, she deserved it"

"Ugh she's definitely not getting so lucky next time. Where did you go anyway? You missed the majority of it"

I pause to take a much needed deep breath. "Yeah well I went to grab a glass of water and ended up getting a front row seat of Hawk trying to make Moon jealous with another girl who turned out to be her girlfriend all along" I spit out annoyed.

Beside me, Tory's jaw drops.

"You're kidding right. I know I warned you about him and everything, but I actually thought he was over her and into you. Miguel says he never shuts up about you."

"Yeah I kinda thought so too, but I guess I was wrong. I'm most definitely done with him and his bullshit. I ran into him afterwards in the kitchen and he had no clue I saw the whole little interaction. He asked me to hang with him and I ended up dumping my glass of water on him and left to come back outside"

She lets out a small laugh. "As you should. What a dick. I'm so sorry about him, I swear I thought he was into you"

At this moment, I look out the window of the room leading to a view of the backyard and my eyes widen in disbelief.

"Speaking of dicks" I elbow Tory and point out the window.

"What. the. fuck." She states in horror.

We stare at the scene before us. Miguel and Sam were making out in plain sight.

I scrunch my face in disgust. "I cannot believe him. I actually thought he was a good guy." I scoff.

"C'mon, let's get out of here Tor I've had enough of the male population for a day."

Eyes ablaze in anger she nods in agreement. "That makes the two of us"

"Dojo?" I ask.

"We can let out some anger and I can take you home after. God knows I need the punching therapy after today." I say curling my hands into fists at my sides.

"Sounds good. I wanna be anywhere but here"

Not bothering to look back, we head out the back door of the house to my car. Before I'm completely outside, I hear a ton of laughter and jeering as well as Hawk's name coming from the living room.

Shaking my head, I try to put him behind me for the day.

On the drive to the dojo, my phone lights up with a call. I signal for Tory to check it for me. She picks up my phone and glances at the screen.

"It's Hawk" she frowns.

"Decline it" I respond immediately, eyes focused on the road.

She declines it and moments later, my phone lights up with a text. She reads it to me.

"He said the cops came and he wants to make sure you're ok"

I sigh as I turn into the dojo and park the car and turn off the engine.

I grab my phone from her hands and send him a short response.

I left before they came.

Tory gets out and waits for me at the front of the dojo. Seconds later I get a response.

I'm sorry. Can we talk?

I read it, glare at my screen, then turn my phone off. I actually cannot believe the nerve of this kid.

Leaving my phone in my car, I head over to Tory and we head inside to the back room where the punching bags were.

"Miguel's texting and calling me nonstop too" she mentions

I roll my eyes. "As much as I'm angry at Hawk, Miguel actually cheated on you. The next time I lay eyes on him, he's getting a hard kick to the balls. Not to mention Sam fucking LaRusso."

"That girl is so dead," Tory says, a hard look in her eyes.

The next couple hours consisted of us beating the crap out of the punching bags and letting all our anger out.

The first day of school was the following day and little did we know that was going to be an even worse shit show.

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