chapter tree

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Walking back in the house I see my mom kissing another woman. I.. listen my mom has never showed signs of being homophobic but I never thought she'd be fruity.

I just stand there with my eyes the size of saucers. I try to speak but nothing comes out so I walk very silently up to my room.



Tyla: I just saw my mom kissing another woman bro

Ace: Come again??! 😧 Wha-

Tyla: Righhht. Also, Ken said she liked me. Bro I'm so confused Fr.

Ace: Well I've known about that but she literally physically beat you and confused is I as well.

Tyla: You knew? How?

Ace: The way she'd look at you and defend you in front of people. She's very weird I must say.

Tyla: Agreed. Her actions do not pass the vibe check 😔.

Ace: Disrespectfully 😪.

I put my phone down and go get something to eat. I walk in the lounge and see my mom and that lady just drinking some tea, acting as if they weren't about to sin on the sofa.

"Tyla come here," my mom says and I walk to them and sit on the sofa opposite her.

"It's nice to meet you miss," I say looking at the lady who's hair is now messed up.

"It's nice to meet you too," she says smiling at me.

Oh I bet.

"Tyla this is my friend..Ms Jackson, Emma this is my daughter I was telling you about," my mom says and we both nod at each other. A friend, interesting.

"I'm going to go eat now," I say getting up and walking to the kitchen. I'm going to find a way to ask her about this.


(Dinner time)


"Do you like pussy?," I asked and she dropped her fork and looked at me with her jaw dropped.

She blinked a few times and opened and closed her mouth but no words came out. To say I wasn't dying inside would be a lie.

"I-... I, yes I do, I'm pansexual," she says after she finds her composure.

"That's pretty cool I'm gay if you didn't know already," I say and she nods then we continue eating in silence.

When we were done I washed the dishes then went up to my room. I did my homework and just scrolled through Instagram. The studs on here are so fine like why. Ugh. I started getting lost in my thoughts and stopped myself from going further. Sigh.

I'm going to the therapist lady tomorrow. I hope it helps me and I get out of this cycle of survival instincts I have. What if she has big.... Okay nah, wrong time and wrong thoughts. But what if though. After the session we coul.. ayt I'm going to sleep now.

...... .....
I woke up tired and my heart was on its shit again. FML. I got up, did my shit then went to eat. I walked past the lounge and it smelled like sex. I looked in and saw things that will scar me for life. I quickly walked out and went to the kitchen to eat then I left immediately.

I went to my car, got in and started driving to my first therapy session. I was a little bit early and I took a few deep breaths before going in. I walked out of my car and went in the building. I went to my therapist's room and just waited there. She walked in.

"Oh good morning, I see you're a bit early, let's just get started if that's okay with you?," she said with so much enthusiasm.

"Good morning and yes let's begin, oh and what are your pronouns," I said smiling.

"She/Them," she said smiling.

"Okay thank you,".

We start our session and low-key it feels weird because I've never really had someone listen to me and understand me besides Ace.

"What made you only start now?," she asks me.

"I, well my mom made me start after she realised that I'm not mentally okay," I say and she nods.

I exhale shakily and play with my hands.

"Look, Tyla, I'm here to help you, not to judge you, it might not be easy but try not to be so scared. Relax your shoulders," she says then writes something down.

We continue with our session and I start to get more comfortable. When we're done I feel lighter and happier. She gives me her number and tells me to call her anytime if I need to vent. That sounds crazy, calling an adult randomly, what if she's busy and so on. I don't want to bother her. In other news she looked so familiar, I swear I've either seen her before or someone with her facial features.

I drive back home and brace myself before going in. I open the door slowly and hear silence. I walk in and close the door. Walking to my room the passage SMELLS LIKE SEX. This lady is going to drive me mad.


Heyyyyy 👀😄

I'm not really feeling this book but I'll update it more in April.

No cap I started it just for comments and votes and so on but now Idc.

Most people would prefer this one because of the cover I guess.

Either way, bye homos🏳️‍🌈

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