chapter twenty eight

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Tae's POV
"Oh my baby," Tyla's mom says walking in and waking me up.

She puts down a container of biscuits, I think and rubs Tyla's hair.

"Hello Tae," she says not looking at me, but looking at Tyla with a worried face.

"Good evening,". I don't even speak like this.

"When did they say she'll be up?," she asks now turning  her head to face me.

"In a few hours," I say and she sighs.

She gets up and heads for the door. She looks back at me.

"I know when she gets up she wouldn't want to be surrounded by people, she likes to be by herself. I will be back," she says to me and I nod then she leaves.

After half an hour Tyla rubs her eyes and groans.

She lays her arm next to her side and faces me.


"Yes baby,"

"Why am I here?," she asks.

"You passed out," I respond and she frowns.

She lifts her upper body to sit and when she gets in the seated position she looks up at me.

"How do you feel baby?," I ask holding her hand and rubbing my thumb over it.

"Very tired, tired and confused," she says looking at me.

"You remember what happened?," I ask and she raises her eyebrow in curiousity. She frowns in confusion then her eyes widen.

Suddenly she grabs my shoulders, startling me.

"Did you find Nyla," she asks me in a worried voice.

"Yes baby," I say and she visibly calms down.

She sighs.

The doctor walks in with a clipboard in their hands.

"Tyla, you're up," they say.

She nods.

"I want to discuss the results of your test with you, in private," they say writing on their clipboard.

"I want my wife to stay,"

"Okay love. We ran some tests and there was codeine in your system. Did you start self medicating again?," they ask with worry all over their face.

"No. I didn't. I was drugged," she sighs.

"Okay. You might feel drowsy and unable to concentrate which are normal effects of the amount of codeine that was found in your system. You are being discharged today and if you have any problems, let us know," they say smiling at Tyla.

"Okay, will do," she says and they leave.

She did codeine.

"I know what you're thinking. Yes I did," she says and I lift her head to face me.

"You don't have to explain. We'll talk about it later, if you want to okay?,"


"I feel like I'm 10 steps back, you know. I'm traumatised again, after all that healing I'm back to square one," a single tear drops from her left eye.

"You're not back to square one baby, it feels like it but everything you learnt didn't just go away. It's still there. You can heal again. I'll help you this time," I say wiping the tear away, standing up and hugging her.

"Okay," she sighs in my shoulder.

I pull away and she looks at the floor. I lift her face by her chin and kiss her on the cheek.

"You're going to be okay baby," I say and she looks at me and she gives me a small smile.

I've seen her feel sad, down and depressed so many times. This time it's different. My girlfriend looks empty.

She leans into me, laying her head directly on my titties and I rub her back.



"I love your titties," she says in my chest and I laugh.

"I know baby,".

Tyla's POV
"I'm going to get you some food. You need to eat," Tae says pulling away and kissing my forehead.


She looks at me with concern in her eyes, puts on her jacket and heads for the door.

Once I hear the door close I lower my head.

I'm back to square one.

Lifting the sheets off the bed and covering myself with them after laying down I take a deep breath closing my eyes.

I fall asleep for what feels like 20 minutes before I hear two people entering the room and feel their presence in front of me.

"See, I told you she was sleeping!," Rae whisper shouts.

"Just wait bruh I wanna see my best friend!," Ace shouts back in a whisper.

They go back and forth like they usually do until I interrupt.

"You guys could've fought outside or something you know? A nigga's trying to sleep here and you guys can't whisper for shit," I say turning to them.

"Rae started it," Ace says pointing to Rae who's looking at her in disbelief.

"Don't start, both of you," I say looking at them both then at the door.

Rae stands up and leaves.

"I missed you," Ace admits when she the door closes.

I smile.

"I was so scared Tyla. I've lost a lot of people in my life and losing you too would've broke me. You gave me a real friend. And real love. There were so many bodies on the floor and every time I saw one I thought of the worst. I'm glad you got out of it alive," she says wiping a tear looking at the floor.

"Come here," I say with my arms  open.

She leans in and closes her arms atound me and we remain like this for a while before she pulls away and looks down at me smiling.

"I love you, dumbass,"

"I love you, my nigga,"

"Imma let you rest. Call me if you need anything,"

"Of course," I reply and she walks to the door. When she opens it Tae is standing on the other side and they nod at each other with Tae walking in first then Ace leaves.

She puts the food in her hands on the desk, I guess, at the foot of the bed then sits on the chair next to me. I close my eyes and fall into a deep sleep.

To be clear the S4S couple in this book is Rae and Ace.


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