chapter seven

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(never edited)

Tae's POV

I look at the pills in my cabinet and stare at them for a while. I know it's wrong but I just want to forget and be happy. Even for a little while. I take one and swallow it dry. I sit and start to feel my high.

I start to forget, to forget about watching my dad beat my mom, forget about being abused by him physically. I forget about the bullying I did to Tyla, she never deserved that. Suddenly I feel myself getting angry at myself.

What is wrong with me?

I almost punch the wall but I stop myself. ' It's not worth it' I sigh and sit down. My best friend Bree calls me.

"Dawg," she says sounding excited.

"Yeah," I say trying to hide the fact that I'm high.

"Did you pop another pill?," she asks suddenly and I sigh.

"Yes I did, I just needed to forget," I say feeling guilty.

"Bro, you can't run away from your feelings, you have to face them, defeat them before they defeat you," she says.

"I know, but it's hard, look I have to go," I say in a rushed tone.

"Bye stubborn ass," she says then I end the call with a smile on my face.

My high fades away and now I'm back to reality. I take a shower then go to sleep, I have gang banging to do tomorrow.

Tyla's POV
I walk into my therapist's room and sit on the big couch.

"Good morning," she says looking a bit happy.

"Good morning," I say trying to match her energy.

"Today we can start with anything, go ahead," she says and I go quiet for a while.

"There's a girl who bullied me my whole life and she's apologized now, I want to forgive her but I'm still angry and some part of me doesn't want to let that anger go, I don't understand why," I say confessing something that's been on my mind all morning.

"What did your bully do to you? How did she bully you?," she asks me writing something down.

"She landed me in hospital a few times, in my mind I don't think the bruises were that bad and she called me names I would rather not repeat,".

"Well, think of your anger as your best friend," she says and I look at her confused.

"What do you mean?,".

"Your anger is the part of you that knows your bully mistreated you, whatever reason your bully had doesn't justify anything and your anger knows that, she's fighting for you and knows you need to be treated with respect. Your anger is your 'dawg' as you would say," she says and I sit and think for a while.

"So what would you suggest I do," I ask her feeling confused but also educated.

"You can sit with your anger and get her to understand that you know you were mistreated but you want to forgive, I know that sounds weird but think of it as sitting with your emotions and understanding them, like different types of yourself," she says and I nod.

We sit and talk about more things and I get a lot of things off my chest. I feel lighter by the time I have to leave. I say my goodbyes and stand to leave.

"Tyla, remember, don't rush yourself into forgiving her, take your time and understand yourself," she says and I smile and nod at her.

I walk out and close the door. I drive to my mom's house to visit because it's been a while and I told her I was coming.

I knock on the door, my mom opens and I smell food, muffins. I came on the right day. I walk in and give her a hug.

"Hello my love," she says to me.

"Mom don't say that," I say cringing mentally. I go to the kitchen and sit by the counter.

"What would you like to eat?," she asks me.

"Muffins please," I say kindly.

The lady, y'all remember that lady who was my mom's 'friend' yeah that lady, comes and gives my mom a hug from the back.

"Good morning," she says to me.

"Good morning," I say smiling then eat my muffins.

My mom and her girlfriend go to their bedroom for a while and I remain unfazed and continue eating. I wish all this food could go to my ass. Sigh, anyways Chile.

They come out and I notice mom's hand is shiny. I look closer and see that she has a ring on. Oh purr.

" Tyla, Layla and I are engaged," my mom says smiling.

"Congratulations mom and Ms. Layla, I hope you two have a wonderful relationship," I say hugging them then going back to my food.

When I'm done I wash my plate and say my goodbyes.

"You're leaving already?," Ms. Layla asks.

"Yes, you guys look like you want to get down to business," I say smiling slightly. I leave then go home.

I don't know what to think about forgiving Tae. I want to but, at the same time I really don't. I've healed from what she did and now we're even because of that time I beat her up last year. I'll just make a decision tomorrow.


Double update!

Yay hose.


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