chapter twenty six

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Tae's POV
4 days later

I blow smoke out of my nose. Something Tyla said she thought was crazy.

I look at the laptop that the IT guy is working on and smile to myself.

Turns out Tyla went with her phone. And the location was still on. Whoever took her is a dumbass, they should check for these things.

I'm not saying I'm happy she's gone. I'm saying if you don't want someone to be found, you make sure they aren't found.

Common sense.

"See, she's 7 hours away," Mo, my cousin, tells me pointing to the screen with his pink acrylics.

Those nails make so much noise.

I nod slowly and walk to the window. Sometimes I'd ask Tyla why she put her phone in her boxers. She made a pocket in the front of them because in her words 'it's a place to hide things, opps be lurking you don't want to get caught lacking and have your phone stolen'.

As if she has opps.

That was smart though.

"Let me know how it goes and if you need to hide a body," he says packing his bags.

"Of course. Thank you," I say dapping him up.

"Not so aggressive nigga you'll break my nails," he says then leaves.

"OH YOU'RE WELCOME," he screams getting in his car and I shake my head.

After locking the door I go to my closet and pick out some clothes, all black. 

My phone rings and I answer.

"Open the fucking door," Bree says.

"Damn so aggressive,"

"Nigga please,"

She ends the call and I open the door. She walks in and she looks like she isn't taking care of herself. My nigga's really been stressed, she lost a lot of weight in 5 days. This isn't healthy.

"You need to eat bro," I say giving her an apple.

"I'm good,"

"Fuck that, eat," I say and she grabs the apple from my hand.

I'm not fazed. As long as she ate something.

"You need to eat some more,"

"I'm not hungry,"

"I didn't ask if you were. I said you need to eat," I state and go back to my room.

Deciding on a black hoodie, jeans and airforces. All black. I sit on the floor and call Ace.

"My baby mama's phone, who's this?," Rae answers.

"The baby daddy,"

"I'll beat the fuck out of you," she snaps.

"We got a location," I say and I hear a sigh of relief in the background.

"When do we leave?," Ace asks in the background.

"At 6, we'll be there by midnight,"

"Send the location, see you there," Rae says and she ends the call.

Tyla's POV
These walls are becomig boring. Standing up and looking outside I realise I'm in an abandoned building.

I turn back around and jump when I notice Drew.

Scared the fuck out of me.

I sit down.

Her chest!


You're right, Tae's is better

Exactly, now back to her

We could cut them off


Knife dumbass

That would look weird

Titties on the floor

I miss Tae.


Me too

We're the same person

I laugh to myself.

"You're crazy," Drew says looking at me.

"Can I ask you something?,"


"I've been kidnapped, how the fuck else am I supposed to be? Normal?," I snap and she looks caught off guard.

"I hope you get kidnapped too and we'll see how you act,"

"I don't like you,"

"As if I'm supposed to give a fuck," I huff looking at my legs.

I try to close my them and feel something in between them.


Hiding my facial expressions from this fucker I think of a way to use this to help me escape. It's a good thing I'm wearing baggy pants so it's not visible.

How did I forget this.

As I'm about to ask to go to the bathroom, the door opens.

Alexis walks in with a syringe.

Oh no.

"No, no, no,"

I start shaking and trying to get out of her grip as she grabs my arm. After finding a vein on my arm she  looks at me and smiles.

She injects me.

I feel sleepy. The same feeling I used to get 5 years ago. I start seeing black.


Home sweet home.

Tae's POV
I grab my favourite glock and tuck it.

After checking myself in the mirror, making sure nothing illegal is visible, I look at Bree with a worried face.

"You good?,"

"Nah. Nyla and I had a fight before she was kidnapped and now I don't know. What if she's dead? That would break my heart. Even worse if she left mad at me," she sighs tying her hair up.

"Try not to think like that bro," I say looking at her through the mirror. I don't say anything about her being alive because there's a possibility that she's not. Even Tyla.

"Let's go," she says grabbing her glock and a knife.

After locking the doors of my other house, we go in Bree's car and she sighs before she starts the car and drives off.

Someone's gonna die

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