reacuring dream

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standing in a dark room with a tall gate in the middle of it, inside the gate was a dark mark.

"kill her... just kill her... you know how" the voice said as you looked at the ground, a woman is lying on the floor, shiedling herself with her hands so you cant see her face, shaking as the voices repeated themselves.

"you know the spell {Y/N}... show her whos boss... take youre rightful place..." it kept saying, and you felt yourself changing, a feeling of elation filling your chest as you felt your smile grow into a grin.

"no {Y/N}! dont! spare her! youre not like that! youre pure! youre good!" another voice came, a voice you recognised.

"clear the world! kill her!"
"let her live! be you! be good!"

the voices stopped abruptly and you turned around to see a big mirror infront of you. taking a a fow step forward, and then another, you stood about half a foot away from it as you looked at it.

above your right shoulder were standing remus and sirius, their arms around each other with big smiles, hermione, harry and ron are there, and fred and george and standing there with big smiles. the warmth from them made you smile too.

you looked to your left, and above your left shoulder was standing voldemort, beside him a short man with a gross face, rat-like face, and above them stands a man with long white hair and a cane in his hand, and beside him a woman with a sick grin and a sickening look.

you looked above your head and saw him, gellert grindelwald, smirking, one eye white and a silver tooth in his mouth, his arms outstreched to the sides, blue flames from his palms as he slowly chuckled, looking to both sides.

you stood there, watching the mirror in a cold face, every few minutes you looked to the left or right, while also arguing with gellert above you.

"you should come and join, you should take yoire rightful place as thw ruler of the world, be a god!" gellert calls. "i dont want to!" you shouted, and quickly, again, you and gellert got into a fight, like usual in your dream.


the air is cold that night, and inside the messy room in 12 grimmualds place, on the double bed, are lying {Y/N} and fred, but fred isnt sleeping. he woke up a few minutes ago, a few long minutes ago, when you started tossing and turning  mummbling in your sleep.

waking up, fred promped himself up on his elbow and held his head on his palm as he started rubbing up and down your arm softly. "wake up {Y/N}... wake up love" he whispers softly before he presses a soft kiss to your shoulder. "come up... wake up.." he continues before he kisses your forehead and pushs his arm underneath yours, and his hand brushing against your side and your back, you wake up, snapping your eyes open in terror.

"{Y/N}?" he asks. no answer, youre panting. "{Y/N}, are you ok?" he asks, and after a few seconds you sigh. "yeah.. its just a dream.." you mummbled as you leaned out of the bed and to the nightstand and grabbed a glass filled with rum, sipping from it.

"what dream?" he asks. "the same one" you answer as you lean down back to the bed, shutting your eyes tightly. "feeling ok?" he asks and you nod, and he lays down and you pull your hands behind his back and pull your face into his chest. he chuckles, and you feel his hands wrapping around you and his kiss on your head.

"its happening too often now" you say into the darkness. "i noticed that too" he says. "should i tell them?" you ask. "i dont think it would hurt, but you already know why it happens" he says as you feel his fingers dancing on your spine. "youre right" you sighed.

"do you... feel it?" he asks. "what do you mean?" he asks. "i dont know, feel anything different?" he asks. "i.. i think im getting closer to the mirror each dream" you answer. "what does that mean?" he asks. "i dont know" you reply.

you pull ypurself out of his chest and lay your head on the pillow, now face to fave euth him. "i know why voldemort only now started bothering me, but why didnt gellert connected me before?" you ask. "maybe he waited for the right time, the time when you could join the death eaters and not put yourself in such danger. if you were alone you were weaker" he says and you pull back your face. "youre not as stupid as you seem" you say with a smirk. "do i seem stupid?" he asks with a smirk and you laugh and kiss him gently before coming closer to him again.

"harry is going to the hearing this morning" fred says, his fingers still on your spine. "great, we can stay in bed for longer" you smiled, making him chuckle.

"i missed you so much freddie, i didnt have enough of you last year" you smiled as you inhaled his scent, closjng your eyes in bliss. "you had me all summer" he says snickering.

"i need more" you smile. "you keep me grounded"


chapter 2! i hope youre liking this? although this is a weka starting? i dont know :)

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yours, the red demon♧

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