dancing in the rain

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"where are we meeting again?" you ask hermione as you do your hair. "room of requierments" she smiles as she grabs ber bag. "you sure you can come with?" she asks and you stand up with a smirk, leaning on one foot "of course i can" you smiled and turned on your heel to grab your own bag, and with her leave the dorm and down stairs.

"coming alice?" you ask the girl before you leave, and she comes to your side, walking beside you to the room of requierments.


"alright.. good morning" you amiled as you stood beside harry on one side, on the other, the metal dummy. "the first spell we should start with it-" "crucio!" "expeliarmus will do" you smiled and stepped away to stand beside neville.

"now neville, keep calm, keep focus" you pointed to the dummy. "flick your wand, expelliarmus" you say and he nods at you and after taking a deep breath, he tries, calling expaliarmus floppily, and his wand is flying from his hand and to the back of the room.

"im hopeless.." he sighs. "no, youre just flurishing your wand to much. try like this" you said, and called, "expelliarmus" and unwanded the dummy. "from the wrist, not the shoulder" you smiled as you patted his shoulder. "next up!"

you made one line, and harry took the other, as you started tutoring. "alright, ron" you smiled and he stood beside you, and send the dummys wand away. "yes yes, very well done, praises" you smiled and he snorted at you and pushed you to the side as he walkes to the back of the line.

"ginny" you smiled and pointed forward, and immediatly, she preformed the spell, but the wand didnt fly away, it just fell from his hand. "ok, thats good" you smiled as you jogged to the metal dummy to place the wand back in its hand. "try puting more force, but not too much, just be more confident" you smiled and she nodded. "expelliarmus!" she shouted, and the dummys wand flew from his hand, and stuck into the wooden borad. "erm, yes, like that" you smiled.

"parvati, please" you smiled and pointed forward, and she preformed the spell, it didnt work for her. "alright, now, you were much to quiet, and your wand wasnt moving at all, try again" you smiled, and she did as you said. "well, we'll keep practicing" she smiled.

"next up!" you called, and you saw alice coming to stand beside you. "i said next!" you called with a smirk, teasing her. "hey!" she called, slapping your arm. "im here!" she called and you looked down. "oh, sorry squeak, i didnt see you down there" you smirked and she huffed.

"now, come on, show me" you smiled and she held tightly onto her wand, and called loudly "expalliarmus!" and the dummys wand flew out of its hand. "yes!" she shouted in triumpth, and you smiled and pumped your fist in the air. "there is no teacher like me" you smirked. "i did it, not you!" she called. "yeah yeah" you smiled as you patted her head and pushed her playfully away.

"i need help" turning around, you looked up to see fred. "what help do you need?" you ask with a smirk. "with the movement" he smiled. "you sure?" you ask sarcastically, crossing your arms. "yeah" he smiles as he stands floppily and holds his wand in his fingers weakly. "help?" he asks and you stare at him, unphased. "do you want me to laugh?" you ask and he stands up straight again, towering over you.

"expalliarmus!" he shouts and casts the wand away powerfully, and then smirks at you. "dont you play power plays with me, remember who always wins them" he winks at you and kisses your cheek, leaving you standing there with bucked knees, wide eyes, and your lips parted.

"will you calm down already? merlin!" george called, dragging out his words, making you shake your head and focus back again. "just cast the spell you clown" you smirk and does as you say. "will you stop getting it on already in public?" he asks, and you look over to fred, and at the same time you say "no"

divided mind (fred weasley x reader) book 2 {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now