unbreakable vow

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umbridge is officially hogwartss headmistress, and everything changed. the corridors seemed darker and quieter, and noone was allowed to do anything, as well as every student could be called into interigation at any time.

you walked next to harry, hugging your waist after another session of detentions with umbridge, having a small chitchat with gellert.

"you did everything you could" ron says softly, "even dumbeldore didnt see this coming" hermione encouraged rons statement. "i tried so hard to help, and all its done id make things worse" harry answers for tbe both of you. you two carried the guilt about dumbeldores leave, and it wasnt easy. even gellert was yelling at you, making you feel worse and worse about what you did, or tried to do.

sudennly, you heard a whisper, a loud one. you and harry looked up to see hagrid, 'hiding' behind one of the walls.


"where are you taking us?" ron asks as you jump down one of the roots of the big trees in the forbidden forest. "hagrid whats going on?" hermione asks. "im sorry im bothering you four, but with dumbeldore gone, well... i may be getting the sack any day now" hagrid says, emberressed, or sad, or both.

russtling from the forest, just a few trees away, and the floor started to stand up... its a giant... "graupy!" hagrid called happily as the giant stood up. your eyes widened as you watched the huge thing turn around to you.

"i couldnt just leave him because... because hes me brother!" hagrid explains about the giant. "blimey..." ron gasps out, amazed. "half brother, really. hes compleitly harmless! he just sprinted his arm." he says, and graup leanes down to you four, until he reaches forward and grabs onto hermione.

he picks her up infront of his face and she shrieks, you and ron look at each other, confused, while hagrid tried talking to the giant. sighing, you patted yourself down for your wand, but ron was already running at the giant with a big stick, hitting him in the leg. to say it didnt matter to the giant is an understatment, as he simply kicked ron away.

"graup! put me down! now!" hermione emohasizes every word, pointing at the giant, until he leans down and lets her go back to you. "you alright?" you ask, holding on her elbows as she nods at you. "he just needs a firm hand is all" she explains as you look up at him again.

"think youve got an admiorer" harry smirks as he watchs graup coming closer again, handing hermione the front of a bike, motioning for her to ring the bell on it.

she does so, and he takes it back and starts playing with it, sitting down and shaking the ground. "he gets his own food and all... its company he'll be needing when im gone... youll look after him, wont you?" hagrid asks. "hes the only family hes got" he says as he looks up at him, his words hitting right inside your heart.

"{Y/N} is great with company" ron smirks, remembering the other day.


"hey bunny" fred smiles as he sees you walking downstairs from your dorm, dressed in a pair of pants and a shirt. "where ya going" he smiles as you stand above him on the sofa and put your hands to his cheeks. "ive got detention" you smile, kissing his forehead, "with snape" you cleared, and could feel him sigh in your hands. "couldnt imagine the day that detention with snape would be the better option" he smiles at you.

you got to snapes classroom that night, and knocked on his door, waiting for him to call you in. when he did, you open the door and slip inside, closing it behind you and walking carefully into the middle of the room.

"3 minutes late" he points out, and you sigh, "im sorry professor, i wa-" "we dont have time for excuses!" his voice grumbles, and he stands up from his chair. "we need to go, now!" he says, walking over to you. "go? where?" before you finish, he grabs onto your hand, and aparates.

divided mind (fred weasley x reader) book 2 {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now