loosing control (ending?)

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sirius turns back to you, grabs onto your shoulders, and hugs you. "are you alright?" he quickly asks, and you nod, his hands brushing your cheeks. "are you?" you ask back, and he nods quickly as well.

you look down to the ground, and he follows your gaze down to the ground to see your smashed prophacy. "it said im great" you spared him the details, and he smiles gently, knowing you lied, "you are" he smiles, kissing your forehead. "i love you" he whispers. "i love you yoo dad" you replied with a smile, and he hugged you quickly once more.

"now leave" he says, and you scrunch your face up and lift your wand, "in a minute" and banish away a death eater that was behind him.

"black!" you and sirius turned around to see lucius, and you smirked, "in the well toned flesh" and banished him away, harry quickly pulled out his wand and unwanded him, your father calling, "nice one james!" as sirius banished him back and down to the ground.

right then, you heard bellatrix call "avada kedavra!" and her wand pointed forward. every thing seemes to slow down as you watched the green light from her wand shoot out, and hit sirius in the chest.

your body wouldnt move as you watched him face you and harry, his face turning to a calm and tired look, and his spirit left his body... into the archway.

"NOO!!" both you and harry yelled at the same time, you stumbled forward in hopes of catching him, remus runs forward and grabs onto your shoulders, holding onto you as you clawed at his arms and cried, moody holding back harry who fell down to the ground and started crying as well.

at this point, you lost all control. you opened your eyes again, your right eye turned completly white as you broke out of remuss hold and marched forward at bellatrix, chaising after her up the stairs and out to the ministry itself, you panted and yelled at her, until you pulled your wand forward and shouted "crucio!" at the woman, hitting her, and she falls down, ber body crackling with the curse hitting her body.

you levitate her up, yourself too, as you kept on torturing her with fury and anger boiling inside of you. "what have you done?!" your voice was darker, and loud, "you killed him! your own blood!" you shouted loudly, gripping tighter with your shaky hand on the wand, putting more force into your curse, watching her scrunch her face.

your body shook violently as shivers danced across your skin, only seeing red and the woman infront of you, hot tears slipping down your skin.

it looked as if your emotions translated outside, and created a storm around the corridor, the air heavy and wooshing around, your hair flying back as you tortured the woman.

from all the noise, you heard laughter. "kill her...." gellert whispers, "she killed daddy... she deserves it..." he whispers again, you tighten your hold on the curse and the woman. "kill her!!" he shouts loudly in your head, and now you could see voldemort standing somewhere around the room.

angry, you let out a yell and lifted your wand up a little higher, nosetrails flaring as you battled the great pain and agoney of loose, your body giving away to gellert, and the little light that held within your heart, telling you you cant kill her, as well as gellerts and voldemorts encouregments.


harry got upstairs and watchs as you seemed to... glow and levitate, wand pointing at bellatrix as you tortured her with the cruciatous curse, and voldemort standing there, encouragung you to kill the woman with praises and yells.

he wipes out his wand and points it forward, but before he can do anything, dumbeldore comes out from one of the chimneys. harry sighs with hope and watches as dumbeldore lifts his wand and points it at your back, calling "difindo!"

you yelp and groan loudly as the curse hits the middle of your spine, causing you to fall down and the grip on your wand dissapear as a dark patch of blood forms on the back of your shirt. you start coughing and gasping as you fall to the ground, feeling yourself slipping out of consioucness, body shaking. is this what death feels like?

dumbeldore steps closer to you and casts another spell at you, apparating you away from the scene.


lmao, thats it. if you want the rest! its in the next book! that i think ill write. (yes at this point im kinda writing them for myself, whatever)

fyi, yes, i do have the whole series planned out in my notes.... so its no problem hahaha

hope you enjoyed this as much as i did haha, and i hope to see you soon in the next book :))

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yours, the red demon♧

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