Chapter 3 - Hermione's POV

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I woke up to hear tapping on my window. I looked over to see one of the school owls waiting for me to open. I walked over to the window and let the owl drop the letter in my hand. It didn't say who it was from so I opened it carefully.

It read:

Miss Granger,

I know it's Sunday, and I'm sure you had plans but I'd like to discuss something with you. If it's possible, please come up to my office in 1 hour. I look forward to seeing your response.

-Headmaster McGonagall

P.S. The password is 'Lemondrop'

I replied yes and sent in my response with the same owl. I decided to get ready for the day and made my way to the bathroom to shower. After drying myself off, I slipped on a black long sleeve shirt with a muggle band on the front. I put on a black hoodie over the shirt and threw on some dark blue skinny jeans and some combat boots. I charmed my curls to lay neatly on my head, brushed my teeth and checked the time. I still 10 minutes before my meeting. I opened the refrigerator in my private room and grabbed an apple to eat on my way to the Headmaster's office.

When I arrived to the door I recited the password she had given me and made my way up the small steps. Immediately, I was assaulted with a view of piercing gray eyes. I looked around and found McGonagall writing something. I cleared my throat and waited for her to look up.

"Ah Miss Granger! So glad you made it. Please, have a seat. Would you like anything? Tea, water, juice?" I shook my head in response.

"Very well then! I guess I'll just jump right in! As you both know, this year is extremely different to other years. This year's last day of school is August 31st, not June 1st. You guys will be working a full year to complete your last year and get caught up. Now, usually you would get a letter the summer before school started, but seeing as we were in the middle of war, it didn't happen like that. I'm also aware that school is already 1 month in, but I wanted to be sure of who I was choosing and I'm now 100% confident that I've made the right choice. I'd like to congratulate you two in making Head Boy and Head Girl. I'm sure you both have questions and I'll answer them in a moment. Now, this position means you two will be sharing a housing area and patrolling the hallways together for 4 hours after dinner, but you'll have Saturdays and Sundays off. You'll be able to give detention, give and take house points, and keep the prefects in line. Your items are being moved to your new rooms as we speak and your dorm room password will be 'Semper iuncti'. Remember not to share your password with anyone. Now any questions?"

Malfoy looked at her incredulously, "Headmaster, pardon the language, but what the fuck? You can't just spring this on us! And making us share housing? Granger doesn't want to live with me! We don't even talk! The last time we spoke was, well it was yesterday but it was less than 10 words! Before that we—"

"I think what Malfoy is trying to say, is that this is extremely unexpected. I personally, wanted to just fly under the radar this year and focus on my studies. We don't know anything about each other and forcing us to live together so suddenly is a bit extreme" I interrupted.

McGonagall looked at us calmly, "I understand you two aren't friends and that you wanted to just finish the year and leave but I based my decision on pure facts. You two are at the top of your houses, you're responsible and it'll look good for the both of you to have been given this responsibility. Especially you Mr. Malfoy. Now, if that is all, you may follow the paper bird to your new housing area."

Malfoy and I got up stiffly and walked out, following the bird. When we arrived to our door, the bird disappeared. I looked at the door and muttered "Semper iuncti" making it spring open. We walked through and stood in the middle of the living room. I could see on one side of the area a door with Gryffindor colors and on the other side, a door with Slytherin colors. I could also see from the corner of my eye, Malfoy turning towards me.

"I think we need to set up some rules Granger." I nodded in agreement.

"Rule 1. Don't go into each other's bed rooms unless invited in.

2. If you have a male visitor in your room please put your tie on the door and I'll offer you the same courtesy if I have a female.

3. No friends allowed after 4pm.

Anything else?" he asked.

"4. No name calling Malfoy. I mean it.

5. We have to help each other study.

6. We must let the other person know if you're going to be out late.

I think that's all right now Malfoy. If you need me I'll be in my room." I walked away before he could say anything else. My razor blade was calling me.

I walked into my room and locked the door, just in case. I looked around the room and saw all my stuff was put away neatly. I walked over to what I assumed was the bathroom and opened it. It was the closet. I walked to the other door and opened the bathroom. I washed my face in the sink and pulled my hoodie and shirt off, leaving me in just my bra. I unclipped the razor blade from my necklace and looked at my arm for a clean spot to cut, settling on my wrist. I dragged the razor across my skin and watched as a ribbon of crimson appeared. I felt the darkness move away slightly. I dragged the razor a few more times before noticing the was blood dripping all over the sink. I conjured up some gauze and wrapped my wrist up, after rinsing out the sink. I pulled just my hoodie back on, grabbed my backpack and walked out of the room.

When I walked out, he was sitting on one of the sofas with a book by the fire. I sat at the dinner table and took out my History book so I could work on my essay. I could feel him watching me as I wrote on my parchment. A few hours passed in silence before I heard him close his book and get up.

"There's only 15 minutes left of dinner and then we have to patrol today even though it's Sunday since it's the first patrol we'll do together. I'm going to go eat. Are you coming?" he asked.

I shook my head, "No thanks. I'll just meet you here when you finish."

I went back to my studying. I had already finished 1 essay for History, 1 for Herbology and 1 for Muggle Studies. I was working on my 4th essay and it was for Charms. I heard the door open and close and knew I was alone. About 10 minutes later I was finished with my essay and began to put everything in it's place. I heard the door open and heard Malfoy's foot steps coming closer.

"You ready Granger?" He asked as I closed the clasps on my bag. I nodded and walked out to the hallway. Hopefully this patrol wouldn't be long and painful.

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