Chapter 21 - Hermione's POV

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*2 days before Christmas*

It was the Wednesday before Christmas and I didn't know what to get Draco. What the fuck was I supposed to buy him for the holidays? He had a new broom since he was back on the quidditch team, and he basically bought himself whatever he wanted.

I had already bought the rest of them their gifts. I had bought Blaise an expensive wrist watch, with his initials on the back. Theo, the group drunk, was to be gifted a flask with his initials and family crest on it, along with a nice bottle of firewiskey. Pansy was getting a silver chain with an amethyst giraffe. Bella was getting a pair of amethyst earrings so she could match Pansy. The only person missing was Draco.

I had thought about maybe getting him a muggle music player but had decided against it.

Suddenly, I thought of something. I looked at the time and saw I still had 2 hours before the store closed. I scribbled a note to Draco and ran out of the castle. Once far enough to apparate, I did so. I landed in muggle London and went straight for the store I was looking for. I was in and out of the store in 1 hour. I stopped at a second store to buy one last item and finished shopping. I apparated back to the castle and ran back to the dorm. When I burst through the front door, I startled Draco and was met with a wand to the face.

"Draco it's me!" I yelled out quickly.

I watched as it dawned on him and he lowered his wand, "Oh gods love, I am so fucking sorry. You just scared me. Are you okay?" he looked worried.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. I thought you would be with the guys and wanted to come back and wrap your gifts" I explained.

His ears perked up, "Gifts? As in more than one?" he smiled mischievously.

I rolled my eyes, "More or less. Now give me a few minutes to wrap everything and I'll be back."

I walked away from him and locked the door behind me. I wrapped everything nicely with everyone's names and stashed the last item in a bag that I hid in my bathroom.

When I finished, I walked back out and organized everything under our tree. We had a mountain of gifts considering everyone was coming here to open everything and have breakfast. I stood, watching the lights on the Christmas tree.

"Are you done wrapping everything love?" Draco asked, as he wrapped his arms around me. He lowered his head onto my shoulder.

I leaned back into him, savoring moments like this with him, and nodded.

We stayed watching the tree for a few more minutes before I finally turned around in his arms. I wound my arms around his neck and pulled him to my level so I could kiss him. I could feel him get tense before melting into the kiss. He deepened the kiss and his tongue battled mine for dominance. I pressed myself closer to him and felt his hands tighten their grip on me.

I broke the kiss for air and pushed him back until his legs hit the couch. He sat down and pulled me onto his lap so I could straddle him. I kissed him again, this time a bit rougher. His hands were gripping my hips tightly and I could tell it was taking everything he had, not to grind me into his erection.

I shifted my body so I was directly on top of his hard on and grinded my hips. I felt the vibration of his groan in my mouth and did it again. It earned me another groan, this time in my ear. He kissed my neck, leaving his mark, before moving his hands to the zipper of my jacket. I let him rid me of it, leaving me in just a tank top, with no bra, on. His hands traced my waist, making their way to breast, making me groan this time, in pleasure.

He tangled a hand in my hair before pulling my mouth back to his and kissing me deeply again. I shifted my hips again, making the both of us groan with need.

Before either one of us could get any further, we heard someone clearing their throat, making us freeze in our tracks.







Ooooooooooh things are getting ~spicy~

Who walked in on them?

Will they ever sleep together?

Keep reading and find out!

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