Chapter 12 - Draco's POV

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I couldn't believe it had worked. After I had ran away from my kiss with Hermione, I had stayed up all night drafting up my proposal. I had left the room extra early, set up a prefect to do the patrols with Hermione and sent my proposal to my lawyer. He had responded back within 15 minutes and sent a portkey to be used immediately. I spent the entire week in an Azkaban cell due to procedure but I had won my case! Now to explain to Hermione what I had done.

When I entered the common room that Friday night everything was quiet and dark. I assumed she had gone to bed due to the late hour and snuck into my room. I took a quick shower and reveled in the fact that I could do real magic now. I conjured up the necklace I knew she would like and packaged it nicely. The necklace was a delicate silver chain with a gold lion that had ruby eyes. It was the perfect Gryffindor representation. I got ready for bed but was feeling giddy.

Sometime during the night I fell asleep finally. When the sun started rising, I got up and got ready. I prepared her favorite breakfast, made her coffee the way I knew she liked it and set it up nicely on the table. Just as I was putting the finishing touches on everything, she walked out of the room.

I looked at her timidly, "Good morning… love. Hope you slept well. Breakfast is on the table if you'd like to sit."

She glared at me silently before taking a seat.

I set a plate in front of her and watched as she examined the food, "I made your favorite love" I told her.

She glared at me again, "Do you want to explain to me why fuck I had to deal with the fact that you ran away after kissing me? Do you have any idea what you put me through? I thought I was crazy! I thought I had been hallucinating our entire friendship!" she yelled angrily.

I cringed at her anger, "I can explain! I was in jail."


"I WAS TRYING TO NEGOTIATE MY SENTENCE!" I quickly and loudly told her.

Her mouth shut closed, "I was getting an appeal. Did you know that for every day spent in a cell in Azkaban during court hearings, your sentence is reduced by 4 months? I don't have to be on probation after graduation because I spent 4 days in a prison cell... And I have full access to my magic again. Lastly, I can apparate side along as long as it's with one of the authorized persons on the list. The only people aloud to apparate me are Headmaster McGonagall, my lawyer, Theo… and you."

She looked at me with shock written on her whole face, "How did you manage to do that?" she questioned.

I looked at her sheepishly, "I… um… I had to accept the conditions they gave me, but basically, I showed them I had changed. They went through my head and saw us. They said that if Hermione Granger, war heroine, could forgive me, then clearly, I was a better man."

"What are the conditions Malfoy?" she asked, processing everything.

I watched as she closed her eyes and listened, "I have to maintain my grades to be almost perfect, I have to pass all my exams from now until finals and I have to participate in extra curricular activities, like quidditch, again."

She nodded her head listening, "Okay. We can do that. You're not behind or anything and you're second in our year so we just need to work on your extra curriculars."

I looked at her fully, "I have something for you. To say I'm sorry, for kissing you and leaving you."

She looked at me curiously, "Here, this is for you" I told her, handing her the box with the necklace.

She opened it slowly and gasped when she saw the piece, "Malfoy this is… this is beautiful! Thank you!" she told me happily.

I watched as she put it on, it looked great on her. She looked at me happily, "You know… you're the first person, other than my parents, to ever give me a gift. Thank you so much. I absolutely love it!"

I looked at her in disbelief, "None of your friends ever got you anything? Seriously? Some of my favorite items were gifts from Zabini and Nott! Pansy always gifts me clothes and cologne that she knows I'll like. I've gifted both Zabini and Nott broomsticks that I knew they wanted. One time in first year, Pansy wanted this stuffed giraffe that her parents refused to get her, so as an end of the year gift, I got it for her. She still, to this days, sleeps with it and doesn't let anyone touch it. Say what you will about Slytherins, but we make sure to preserve our friendships."

She looked at me while she listened intently, "Yeah well, I've never been the favorite friend so" she shrugged her shoulders.

I shook my head in disbelief. I couldn't understand how her friends could be like that with her. My group of friends was always making sure to do things together and gift each other for the holidays. I didn't get it.

I put my thoughts on the matter aside and focused on her. She had gone back to eating and was fidgeting with her necklace. I stood up, walked to her side and knelt down so I could be closer to her level.

She turned to look at me and cocked her head to the side, "Malfoy? What are you doing?" she asked.

I gave her a half smile and took her hand in mine, "I really am sorry for leaving you like that. I thought about our kiss the entire time I was gone. Hermione, I really like you but I don't know how to date. If this is something you want, you have to be patient with me and understand that I'm trying my best. And when I fuck up, you need to tell me straight up."

She placed her free hand on my face and leaned down to kiss me. My lips exploded in sparks. The spot on my face where she touched me, felt like it was on fire but it didn't hurt. I could kiss her forever. Kissing her meant that my darkness would go away. I felt drunk when she touched me.











Listen, don't try to make my laws make sense. It's fiction people. Talk to me in the comments please. Let me know what you think so far

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