chapter 6, the fun starts here

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The next day, was a simple boring day for mei and matsuri, you know, school, homework, stalk there crushes, go home, you know the simple stuff. they each got into there houses. mei was about to start on student counsel work, but got a text from matsuri. 

matsuri: hay, so lets cut the small talk, when is the next part of the plan, I'm kinda getting impatient 

mei: we will start the second part tomorrow, the third part will be two days after the second part. 

matsuri: ok, just so i know exactly what to do, could you go over the whole plan again

mei: god, your hopeless

mei: ok so listen. 

mei: part one: kidnap yuzu and harumi 

          part two: have you take up all of yuzu and harumi's time, while i look for things about yuzu

matsuri: ok i got it 

mei: you didn't let me go over the whole plan

matsuri: well 2 things, one, there is like 57 parts to our plan and two, is someone fund out what we are planning and then they find the texts, we'll be in jail fore sure 

mei: true, but you remember the plan? 

matsuri: nope, but when we meet up again you'll tell me

mei: fine, do we delete this conversation? 

matsuri: duh 

mei: ok, see you in fore days 

          conversation deleted    

The next day was a little more eventful for mei and matsuri. at the start of the day, yuzu and harumi walked to school together, as usual, while mei followed behind them, and matsuri was waiting for her que to come out and distract harumi and yuzu. 

"taniguchi-senpai!" matsuri said as she speed walked to the 3 girls. 

"ughh, kid, what do you want" harumi said 

"taniguchi-senpai, don't be like that, i know you like me" matsuri said, with a smirk on her face 

"ha, why would i like you" harumi said, trying to escape the conversation 

"i don't know, but you do" matsuri said 

"look, you guys can talk about this later but we need to get to school" yuzu said interrupting the talk

  As yuzu, harumi and matsuri went to school, mei stayed behind for a little while to write in a note book. the note book was not one of her school note books, it was used for a different reason. 

yuzu, harumi and matsuri had to part ways because the schools were different, but as yuzu and harumi entered the school, they meet up with a different person. 

"haruyuzu!!" a voice yelled 

"o god, she's back" harumi said as both yuzu and she turned around to  see there 'friend' running up to them. 

"hay nene, what's up" yuzu asked nicely, while on the other hand, harumi wanted to run away

  " what's up is, yuzu and harumi are walking to school together!"  nene said 

" we always walk to school together" harumi said 

"really!!" nene asked 

" yes, now can we go to class yuzu" harumi asked impatiently


(time skip, cuz i feel like it)

after school, mei was in the student counsel room with himiko. 

"meimei" himiko asked 

"what" mei said 

"can i ask a question" 

"go ahead" 

ok, so uhhh, why are you spending time with that kid" 

"hmm? you mean matsuri" 

"yah, its vary unlike you to spend time with that kid" 



" why do you care if i spend my time with matsuri" 


"look if you not going to give me a answer, then your better of not saying anything" mei said as she went back to work 

"wait!" himiko yelled 

"hmm, did you finally find an answer" 


"ok then say it" 

"ok.....well.....i..i uhh....i" himiko said with her eyes closed 

" HA" 

" what" 

"HA HA HA, THIS IS SO FUNNY" mei said with a crazy look in her eyes 

"what's funny" 

" your so DUMB, this is so stupid, you like me? your an idiot," 


"just so you know, just so you get this little idea out of your head, i don't like you, actually, your one of my least favorite people, your so annoying, i don't know why your even my friend, if i could be completely honest, i wish you were dead, HA, and you say you like me, that's funny" mei said as she walked up to himiko 

" WHAT! you want m-me dead!" 

"yes in fact, if i could kill you right now i would, but that forth part of the plan" mei said 

" w-w-what plan" himiko said scared 

" dang it" mei said as she pinched the bridge of her nose 

"huh. meimei, what are you planning" himiko asked 

"could you STOP it with the stupid nick name" mei said 

"oh, i didn't know you didn't like it" 

" of course you didnt" mei said as she walked up to her desk 

"uhh, meime-, i mean mei, what are you doing" 

" dont worry about it and just get over here" 

"oh, uhh, yah sure" mei said as she walked up to mei 

"don't move"  


after mei told himiko not to move mei took out a medium sized wooden bat. 



before himiko could say anything else, mei had hit her with the bat. not hard enough to kill her but enough to knock her out for a day at least. 

mei took her phone and the phone started to ring. 





mei: hey, i need you to come over here, now.        

( A/N: so hay, sorry for this chapter being uploaded a little late, but hay this is the longest chapter with 909 words so yah. and finally, stuff is happening all because himiko, say thank you himiko. next chapter should be the one where the fun starts happening. thank you)    

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