When Things go Wrong- Part 4

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A/N: Hello guys good to see you all again and let me start with apologizing for not updating this story in a while. I've been really focused on save me as well as a few health problems recently but I am going to do my best to get back on a regular schedule as soon as possible.

That being said I will never abandon any of my stories even though updates may take a while.

In addition to that if there is a story of mine that you enjoy and I haven't updated in a while feel free to let me know and I'll try to do an update.

Alright guys I've kept you waiting long enough...here we go

Ant’s POV

I was sitting on the sofa in the Judges room holding Dec against me as he rested his head on my shoulder sniffling every now and then as I ran a hand down his arm trying to comfort him.

“It’s alright kidda Simon will stop him don’t worry”

Dec nodded against my shoulder letting out another sniffle and I leaned over to grab a tissue for him only to fell him tense against my side and my heart miss a beat as the sound of sirens filled the air making me feel sick with dread.


Dec’s voice caught my attention and I turned to see him looking at me with wide scared eyes that were quickly filling with tears, “Hey easy Decky I’m sure it’s nothing probably one of the acts got hurt or something, just relax kidda Stephen’s fine I’m sure.

I pulled him against me once continuing to shush him mentally cursing Stephen as Dec continued to tremble and cry in my hold, how could he even do this to us didn’t he know how worried we both were?

“Easy Decky deep breaths come on now”

I could feel Dec gasping for breath between sobs and I began to rock us side to side as I encouraged him to calm down running a hand over his back in an effort to soothe him glancing up as I heard a commotion outside in the hallway.

“Call the hospital tell them we have a drowning victim possible Brain Hypoxia”

I stiffened as I heard those words, I didn’t know what the last two meant but I had this cold sick feeling in my stomach that told me exactly who the victim was.

I felt Dec shift in my arms and I tightened my hold on him pulling him back against muttering a quick, “Don’t look kidda” as two paramedics passed by the door carrying a stretcher between them and I couldn’t help looking noticing that the person on the stretcher was none other Stephen.

Ant and Dec  Oneshots ❌Where stories live. Discover now