Deleted Scenes from BGMT

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A/N: Hello Everyone! It's great to see you all again 😊😊

Apologies for lack of updates but as you know I have not been feeling very well recently, I'm still not a 100% but I had this one sitting on my laptop for a while and thought I could go ahead and publish it😊💜

Thank you all so much for all of the support and patience and well wishes it really means a lot💜💜

Also we have reached 1K views!!!! What?! Massive thank you!!!!

I am so grateful and honored to have all of your continued support and to know that so many of you still enjoy these stories💜

As long as you keep enjoying them I will keep writing them

OK guys I've kept you waiting long enough, this is one is short and pure humor no angst this time I promise 😂 we go...

Everyone was taking a much-needed break from auditions so Stephen had decided to head over to see if he could get a quick moment in with Ant and Dec.

Not only did they need some more material for the show but Stephen hadn't gotten to see them much recently so he was a bit desperate to have a chat with his friends even if it was only for a few minutes.

Stephen smiled to himself as he approached their side of the stage, the boys were standing with their backs to him leaning against one another as Ant showed Dec something on his cell phone screen.

"Hi guys!"

Stephen greeted the boys genuinely happy to see them his smile growing even wider at the expected "Hi GuYS" he received in return.

"What's up nonsense?"

"Yeah what have you got to badger us with today?"

Stephen laughed at the comments he knew the boys were only joking both from previous experience and from the way Ant stepped a little closer his arm casually sliding around Stephen's shoulders as he gave him a quick side hug.

Stephen leaned into the touch for a moment enjoying the close contact as he spoke "I just thought you guys looked a bit bored standing over here all by yourselves, it seemed a bit too quite."

"Well, it was actually quite relaxing until you showed up!"

Dec shot another light-hearted jab at Stephen the criticism turning weightless as Stephen caught the twinkle in Dec's eyes as well as the way Ant's hand began to run up and down his shoulder, they were genuinely happy to see him but had decided to fake annoyance for the cameras.

"Well, you know me Dec it's impossible to contain all this energy!"

Stephen did a sort of half jump half skip causing both the boys and the crew to laugh especially when Ant attempted to mock him only to trip mid step and be saved from crashing into the floor by Dec wrapping a quick arm around his waist.

"Any chance we can cut that out?"

"Are you kidding me that was TV gold!"

"Actually, it was just plain karma."

Both Stephen and Dec shared a laugh over Ant's clumsiness while Ant blushed gently hiding his face in his hands as Dec wrapped his arms around Ant's waist providing him with a comforting hug.

Stephen was tempted to join in on the hug but he knew he would have the opportunity to get one later on and besides they were running out of time before the next audition and he had yet to get any footage other than Ant almost landing on the floor.

"Well as I said earlier you looked a little bored over here all you know what you need?"

"A pair of earplugs to drown you out?"

Dec let out a laugh and Stephen rolled his eyes vowing to get them both back for all of the teasing later as he spoke again, "No! You need the NEW AND IMPOROVED.....QUESTION BUCKET!!"

Stephen grabbed the bucket from one of the camera men chuckling at the eyerolls he got from the boys before Ant grabbed the bucket sticking his hand in.

"What have we got today nonsense? More Twix wrappers?"

"Oh, don't be know our budget doesn't cover Twix anymore!"

All three men and the crew laughed as Ant made a great show of rummaging around in the bucket before pulling out a small slip of paper and passing the bucket over to Dec.

"What's your favourite Dr. Suess book and why?"

"Oh, that's a good question...what a first for BGMT"

Stephen rolled his eyes fighting the urge to laugh as Dec stuck his hand in the bucket feeling around dramatically and wiggling his tongue for a few moments before he pulled a slip of paper out unrolling it in his fingers.

"I've got the same one! You couldn't even write different questions?! This is "UnBeLivEAble""

Stephen and Ant laughed as Dec mocked Stephen's catchphrase before making a big show of throwing the bucket to the side the papers scattering everywhere as Stephen spoke.

"Well go on then boys...what's your answers?"

"Well, I've always liked the Cat in the hat...because---"

"Is It because the character has a massive hat and you have a massive...."

Dec cut off as Ant turned to face him his arms crossed and his eyebrows raised the faintest traces of a smile curling at his lips as he spoke..." What? A Massive What?"


Dec broke the joke off short causing Ant to roll his eyes as he turned back to Stephen who was having trouble fighting back a laugh of his own, seeing the boys banter with each other always cheered him up and today was certainly no different causing Stephen to wipe a small tear out of the corner of his eye before turning to Dec.

"Well then Dec what's your favourite Dr Suess book?"

"Well personally I always liked Horton Hears a Who because....."

"Because a person's a person no matter how small!"

Ant cut Dec off finishing the sentence causing the crew and Stephen to burst into fits of laughter as Dec's face turned a faint shade of red and he grabbed the bucket off the floor chasing after Ant who was now running off between the piles of equipment in an effort to escape the smaller man's wrath.

"You are so dead Mcpartlin! I swear I'm gonna smash your face right in!!"

"Only if you can find a step ladder to help you reach it!"

The boys bantering and chasing continued until Stephen heard a loud crash causing him to flinch before he rolled his eyes and started off in the direction of the sound to see which one of the boys had crashed into something they shouldn't have.

It was just another day of working with his crazy best friends and despite all the mayhem, Stephen wouldn't have it any other way. 

A/N: Well everyone that's it for this chapter and I know it's short and not as good as previous ones but it's the best I can manage currently 😢💜 

Some of you guys may have been keeping up with my announcements and if you have don't forget to let me know what you think of the new story idea and also keep the questions coming 💜💜 it gives me something fun to do while I'm waiting for this cold to pass 😂😂

And once again THANK YOU !!! for all the amazing support and feedback and just for reading you are all so so amazing and I am so grateful for all the support from such a talented group of people💜💜💜

OK everyone that's all for now and as always, 

until next time...

Stay Safe 💜💜

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