When the Universe Aligns

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A/N: Hello guys spoiling you with two updates today because guess who couldn't sleep last night! Anyway since I hit you guys with a mega sad one last time and a mean one earlier today I decided to give you something...shall we say fluffy. 

Now this is a couple fic invoving the boys so if it's not your thing I understand and you don't have to read it, but if you do decide to read it don't judge me too harshly. I'm not much for fluff and romance I usually write Angst so this is my first attempt, so please be gentle. 

I used a prompt for this one so feel free to use it as well: Person A and Person B go separately to a New Year's Party, and end up standing next to each other during the countdown to midnight.

Alright guys I'm going to be quite now and let you read, I hope you like it

Dec's POV

I was getting dressed to go to the New Year's eve party even though I didn't want to, Ant wasn't going but Stephen had begged me to go with him. I sighed and finished fixing my hair just as the doorbell rang, I walked to the front door and opened it to see Stephen practically bouncing on the steps with excitement.

"Do we really have to go to this party? Can't we just stay home or go over to Ant's?"

Stephen shook his head, "Ant said he didn't want to go which means he's probably asleep besides you never hang out with me and it will do you good to party a little. Please Declan?"

He was giving me puppy eyes now and I sighed, he knew I couldn't say no to that look and his grin nearly split his face as I grabbed my jacket and keys before following him to his car. I got in the backseat and said hello to David our other friend who was going to be our designated driver tonight even though I had no intention of getting drunk.

We drove to the party with Stephen and David chattering away in the front seat while I simply sulked in the backseat, I didn't want to go to the party I had planned to go over to Ant's house. I had been friends with Ant since we were 13 and I had always liked him as more than a friend, however my family was catholic and I knew they would lose their minds if they found out I had feelings for my male bestfriend.

We were now in our twenties and I desperately wanted to tell Ant how I felt but I was afraid he would panic and freak-out which would destroy our friendship, I didn't have the courage to tell him so I settled for simply being his best friend. I felt bad at the fact that I was leaving Ant alone on New Year's Eve but he had reassured me it was fine and encouraged me to go to the party with David and Stephen saying he would most likely go to bed early anyway.

So here I was dressed up to party even though all I wanted to do was spend the night with the man I loved but could never have.


Ant's POV
I bit my lip as I stood in front of the mirror redoing my hair over and over as my hands shook from nerves, my phone dinged and I glanced down to see a message from Stephen.

*Hey we managed to get him out of the house and to the party, what time are you going to get here?*

I quickly glanced at the time seeing that it was almost 11:30pm I was going to have to hurry if I wanted this plan to work, I fixed my hair one last time deciding to spike the front and smooth the back. I picked my phone up and told Stephen that I was leaving now and to make sure that he and Dec were in front of the gazebo at 11:50pm.

I adjusted my shirt and took a deep breath to steady my nerves before I walked downstairs and grabbed my keys heading outside and getting in the car. My hands were shaking with nerves as I drove to the party that was being held at Simon's house, I was finally going to do it after almost 12 years I was finally going to let Dec know exactly how I felt about him.

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