Tomorrow (Part One)

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A/N: Hello everyone I am finally back to my oneshot book, I know this isn't "When Things Go Wrong" but I really hope you like this one.

It's gonna be a two parter and I intend to post part 2 this Sunday.

Thank you all so much for your amazing support and paitence and now I'll be quite 😊

Hope you guys enjoy 💜💜

Ant's POV

"Hey Anth, how about we go out somewhere tonight?"

I looked up from my script as Dec spoke and I looked up to see a pair of bright hazel watching me with an almost puppy like quality to them.

I sighed knowing full well where this was heading, it had been almost 2 months since I had taken Dec out to eat or even just had time for the both of us to sit down and enjoy each other's company.

It wasn't that I didn't want too I loved Dec so much and it was killing me that I couldn't spend time with my husband the way I wanted too but we were just so busy between Takeaway and Britain's Got Talent.

I rubbed a hand across my eyes unable to look at Dec as I said the words that I knew would wipe the smile off his face and as much as I hated to do it I knew if we went out tonight there was no way we would ever be able to rest enough to be ready for the first round of Auditions tomorrow.

"I would love to but you know we have work tomorrow Decky and we can't stay out all night without turning up late tomorrow and there's already so much work to do."

I heard a sigh and I removed my hand from over my eyes my heart breaking a little as Dec's eyes turned sad and he looked down at the floor with his lower lip trembling a little, I instantly scolded myself.

Way to go Ant you made him cry, Dec let out a quite little sniffle and I sighed heavily before I stood up off the sofa walking over to him and wrapping my arms around pulling him up into my arms as he buried his face in my chest.

"Aww baby don't cry it's ok".

Dec's cries only got louder and then he broke my heart further as he mumbled a question so quietly I had to strain to hear it.

"We n-never g-go out t-together or s-spend t-time with each o-other.... d-don't you l-love me a-anymore?"

My heart ached in my chest and I had to blink away a few tears of my own as I wrapped my arms around him properly lifting him up as he wrapped his legs around my waist holding on tight as I carried him over to the sofa sitting down once more.

Dec's cried continued and I began to hug him just a little bit tighter running a hand over his back as I spoke, "Oh Decky of course I love you sweetheart it's just well we've been so busy lately and I don't want you to get run down again like you did last time, remember?"

Dec nodded against my chest still sniffling quietly as his shoulders shook and I brought my face down kissing the top of his head as I began to rock us side to side, "Listen baby I tell you what we cant go out tonight but we are off the day after tomorrow so how about tomorrow night we go out on a nice little date, just the two of us. Would you like that?"

Ant and Dec  Oneshots ❌Where stories live. Discover now