When Things Go Wrong- Part 5

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A/N: Hello Everyone!! Wow it's been what like almost 2 months since I updated this story?

Sorry for taking so long but I've been having a bit of life struggles recently🙈🙈

Anyway I'm finally back with an update and if you don't remember where we left off you might need to reread the last part😬sorry again for the lack of updates

Alright that's enough talking, hope you enjoy it and I'll try to be more consistent from now on💜💜💜

Ant's POV

We sat in silence the only sound in the room was Dec's soft breathing as Simon and I stared at each other neither of us sure what to say as we continued to process what the doctor had just told us.

It seemed so impossible, this morning Stephen had been fine we had plans to hang out after work; and now he was lying in a hospital being kept alive by machines.

If only I had been able to stop him, oh Stephen why did you have do something so reckless?

It all seemed like a bad dream and just as I was about to try pinching myself I felt Dec stirring in my arms and I quickly brought one hand up doing my best to wipe away my tears as I turned my attention to him brushing a stray lock of hair out of his eyes while gently shushing him, "Easy kidda it's a-alright, you're a-alright."

Dec turned in my arms again and I sniffled a little as I brought a hand back down hushing him softly as I began to rub behind his ears again smiling when he let out a sigh immediately cuddling back into my chest.

I felt his arms wrap around my body and for some reason I immediately tightened my hold on him as I was filled with the overwhelming urge to protect Dec to avoid failing him like I failed Stephen.

Dec groaned again and I smiled sadly as I glanced down at him, he looked peaceful sleeping like this and I felt sick to my stomach as I realized that the peace would be very short lived; when he woke up he would ask about Stephen.

How was I supposed to explain to him that Stephen was going to die?

That I had failed to stop him this morning and now he was going to die here in a cold hospital hooked up to life support machines and worse than that the last thing we had ever done was fight.

I cringed as I remembered that at one point I had called Stephen "Insane".

Were those seriously the last words I had ever said to one of my closest friends?

I sniffled hard and felt something running down my face, I shook myself out of my thoughts bringing a hand up to wipe away the tears that had started to fall only to jump as another smaller hand touched my face beating me to it.

"A-Anth? What's wrong...why are you crying?"

I looked down at my lap and my heart missed a few beats as I saw Dec watching me with wide eyes his hand on my cheek using his thumb to wipe away the tears that were beginning to fall even faster now.

He looked so innocent with his ruffled hair and wide green eyes; how on earth was I supposed to tell him the news?

How could I even begin to tell him what I knew was going to break his heart and shatter the small bubble of hope he had left?


I bit my lip and brought my hand up placing it over Dec's as I let my eyes fall shut so that I wouldn't have to watch Dec's face as I opened my mouth to speak my stomach churning as I searched for the right words to say.

It took a long time and the longer I thought about what to say the more I cried and finally I couldn't take it anymore and I loosened my hold on Dec burying my face in my hands as I struggled to hold back the tears that were burning my eyes.


Dec's voice sounded very confused and upset and as I felt a small pair of arms wrapping around my shoulders followed by a head coming to rest on my collarbone I lost it completely sobbing hard enough that the tremors ran through the both of us.

Stephen was going to die and it was all my fault.

Dec's POV

I leaned against Ant running a hand over his back as my body shook with the force of his sobs which were becoming harsher by the second.

What had happened to make Ant this upset?

I turned to look at Simon raising my eyebrows in a silent question and I felt my heart drop into my stomach at the look on his face.

Simon looked devastated like he had just been given the worst news of his life and I gasped as I looked from him to Ant letting out one word as all the pieces clicked into place and the penny finally dropped.




I closed my eyes hugging Ant tight a few sobs of my own threating to burst out as Simon stepped forward and placed his hand on my shoulder, please no don't let it be true; this couldn't be happening.

"Declan I am so sorry they did everything they could, they said he was underwater so long without oxygen it caused brain damage...."

"b-but people can live with b-brain damage c-can't they?"

I asked the question my voice sounding breathy and weak as I felt Ant's arms tighten his sobs slowing slightly as he raised his head and put a hand around my back sniffling a little as he pulled me into his chest.

"Sometimes they can Decky but S-Stephen's was too m-much; I'm so sorry kidda. H-He's gone, Stephen's g-gone."

Ant's words sent a chill through my body and I shook my head side to side looking from him to Simon as my body began to tremble and my eyes filled with tears.

Stephen couldn't be dead, not Stevie.... what were we supposed to do without him?

Ant's broken sobs continued and as Simon leaned forward wrapping us both in a hug reality set in and I felt my heart shattering into pieces as I buried my face back in Ant's chest crying right along with him.

If only I had been able to stop him, if only Ant hadn't been busy comforting me; maybe Stephen would still be alive.

The thought made me cry even more and I felt Simon pull away and his voice as he stood up, "I-I'm going to call the o-other, someone has t-to tell them what's happened."

Simon's voice sounded professional but the small hitches in his words betrayed him, sure we all teased Stephen but deep down he was a part of our BGT family and now that he was gone, I didn't think any of us will ever be the same. 

A/N: Well everyone that's all I have for now and I know it's a bit short but it was the best I could do at the moment🙈 I took a pretty long break and I'm really trying to get back into a normal writing schedule so please just be patient with me💜💜

Thank you all once again for all of your amazing support it really does mean the world😊

OK everyone until next time, as always; Stay Safe 💜💜💜

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