The Thrill of the Hunt

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It was starting to get late in the evening as the sky became orange with the setting sun, though the city of Manhattan still remained busy. Not just for the everyday citizen, but even to some of the more unique individuals, such as it's residential superhero.

Blue Beetle was currently in a bit of a scuffle with a couple of crooks who were trying to rob the convenience store at a gas station. One tried hitting him with a baseball bat, but Beetle just maneuvered out of the way and punched the guy so hard he crashed right through the glass door.

"Wood? This mere organic thought that it could outmatch our superior technology with wood?"

"Well, these guys have to work with what they got." Beetle said as he caught the fist of the second crook and kneed him in the stomach and punched him in the face, knocking him out. "You can't blame them for trying."

Beetle picked up a sack full of money and handed back to the cashier, who looked at the hero in awe. "Here you go, sir."

"Thank you, Blue Beetle." The cashier said gratefully as he started putting the money back in the cash register. "Is there anything I can offer you? Some kind of reward perhaps?"

"That's not necessary. Just knowing that you're safe is enough for me." Beetle said as he was about to walk out, but then paused when he noticed something on the lower counters. His eyes widened slightly as he took a closer. "Are those Sour Berry Gummy Worms?"

"Sure is." The cashier said as he picked up a bag of said candy and tossed it to Blue Beetle. "Here, you can have a bag. On the house."

"You sure?" Beetle said as he caught the bag.

"It's the least I could do after you helped save my shop." The cashier said with a smile.

"Well...thanks mister. Appreciate it." Beetle said as he was about to walk out, but stopped when he heard a groan and looked to see the crook in the store was starting to wake up. "Whoops, almost forgot..." Beetle morphed his arm into his staple gun and fired, pinning the guy to the ground, while doing the same to the crook that was outside. "Make sure you call the cops on these guys."

He then activated his rocket pack and blasted off into the air, flying above the buildings of New York. He retracted his faceplate so he could eat his candy while he flies off to meet with Elisa on top of the castle to meet their Gargoyle friends.

Things became relatively peaceful after Xanatos was sent to prison, well, as relatively peaceful as it can get when you're a superhero in a major city like Manhattan. Despite that, he's managed to get the job done and keep the city safe.

Still though, when Elisa contacted him awhile ago, she sounded a little anxious, saying how there was something that he and Goliath should hear.

"Wonder what's got Elisa so worried?" Danny asked himself as he took another bite of his candy.

"Whatever news the Elisa Maza brings us is of little consequence. We should continue our focus on decimating the criminal infestation that plague this city."

"Why do you have to have a such a grim tone all the time?" Danny wondered.

"This is the only tone that I have."


Elisa currently stepped out of the elevator of Xantos' tower, entering the level of the castle main floor, with Owen by her side. It seemed odd that, not that long ago, she helped put Xanatos away, and now she was being welcomed by his right hand like an honored guest.

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