Awakening Part 4

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Brooklyn, Lex, and Broadway felt like deer in headlights a they stared at the over a dozen armed guards in the floor, each with their own weapons pointed right at them.

"Uh...sorry, wrong floor." Brooklyn said sheepishly.

Not even a second later, the armed guards started shooting at the gargoyle trio, who jumped back into the elevator shaft and started climbing up. With the shots still coming from down below, Broadway jumped to the closed door on e next floor and pried the doors open.

The guards from below peaked inside the elevator shaft and started firing at them from below, causing them o jump through the open doors to avoid getting shot. The hallway they were on was empty, but with the alarms blaring loudly, it may not stay that way for long.

"Now what?" Lexington asked.

"Now we try the indirect approach." Brooklyn said with a smirk as he looked at Broadway with a smirk and pointed at the floor.

Broadway got what he was saying as he reared his fist back and punched a hole on the floor. The scientists in the lab below them all screamed in fear as the gargoyles ripped part of the hole to make it bigger as they all jumped down and landed in the laboratory, with Broadway giving a slight growl for good measure. Every scientist and lab technician looked on in fright at the sight of these creatures they have never seen before in their lives.

Brooklyn stepped forward to grab a scientist by the scruff of his coat and hoist him up above the ground. "Where is the disc?" Brooklyn asked threateningly with his eyes glowing white. Fearing for his life, the scientist pointed at one of the computer terminals.

"Let's see." Lex said as he went towards the terminal and wondered which button to press. After finally picking one, the disc popped out of the terminal, and Lex grabbed it. "Got it!"

It was at that moment when security tried to break into the room, but Brooklyn blocked the door and tried to hold them back. "I think it's time to go!" Brooklyn said in urgency.

Broadway used his strength to rip out a piece of equipment and throw it at the window, shattering it. The three of them leapt out the building and glided away, avoiding being shot at by security.

"We did it!" Lex cheered.

"Yeah, let's get back to the castle!" Brooklyn said jovially as he and his friends glided away.


Meanwhile, Hudson and Bronx walked down the abandoned tunnel where the underground base is.

"I'm still not sure how we got talked into doing this?" Hudson complained to Bronx, even though he knew he couldn't answer back.

Hudson and Bronx soon stopped as they came upon a large steel door at the end of the tunnel. What caught Hudson's attention was the beeping noise of a security camera at the corner of the wall.

"Here's a problem." Hudson noted, before a smirk came unto him. If he can't get the door open, he might as well have them do it for him.

After telling a Bronx to remain hidden, Hudson ran up to the door and made sure that the security camera was constantly on him. Sure enough, a light was shined behind him, which caused him to turn around and noticed at least two dozen security guards with their weapon all trained on Hudson.

"I don't know what sort of thing you are, but I'm betting you're not bullet proof." One of the guards said bravely.

"Aye, that's a wager you'd win." Hudson said with a smile as he raised his hands in surrender.

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