Awakening Part 2

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Elisa didn't like this. Not more than half an hour ago, the weapons fire that sounded above the tower seemed to cease, but she couldn't shake the unease of what might have of occurred up there. She also received a call from her captain stating that Xanatos notified the mayor, saying that it was a damaged generator that caused it.

Elisa was, understandably, skeptical about that. Any good detective would be.

So here she was, in the lobby of the tower having a talk with Xanatos' assistant Owen, trying to get to the bottom of what was going on.

"A most unfortunate accident. One of the newly installed generators in the castle exploded." Owen explained. "Mr. Xanatos is willing to pay for any damages that might have-"

"Mr. Burnette." Elisa interrupted as she wasn't in the mood any misdirections. "I heard automatic weapons firing up there. Now you can let me look the place over, or I can come back with a warrant, and a lot more cops. It's your call."

Owen had to smirk at her tenacity, but knew that she wasn't kidding around. It would become problematic if she waould bring a whole squad of police into the castle. One of them might go snooping into places that could be problematic.

Especially at night.

So Owen let her on the elevator and rode it up to the castle level. When the door opened and they stepped out, a Elisa gave the place a brief glance. She had to admit, Xanatos spared no expense into the reconstruction of this place all the way from Scotland.

"Must have one heck of heating bill." Elisa muttered.

"Detective Maza." Xanatos greeted as he came in with a kind smile. "I've just called the mayor to offer my profound apologies here."

"What exactly did happen here, Xanatos?" Elisa said, not wasting any time. "And please, don't try to tell me that it was an exploding generator."

"Owen was a little confused." Xanatos said as he walked off whew turning Elisa to follow him. "That's for the press. The truth is that my men repelled an invasion from a rival corporation trying to steal some of our new technology."

That statement was not something Elisa expected to hear. "'Repelled and invasion?' You're a private citizen, Xanatos, not a country."

"Detective, I am the owner of a multinational corporation, which is bigger than many countries you can name." Xanatos said with a smirk.

Xanatos pressed a button on a panel and the large door opened automatically. They exited the main room and made there way outside, where Elisa was able to see the aftermath of the attack. Piles of rubble, smoke from the blaster fire, it looked like a complete war zone.

"I remember seeing Blue Beetle flying up here, as well. I was hoping to talk to him and get his statement." Elisa noted as she looked around.

"Yes, Blue Beetle was here, but sadly he had to take off." Xanatos said. "He aided my men in repelling the invading forces. I tried to offer him a reward as gratitude, but he refused, saying he was just doing the right thing. Truly a noble hero for this city."

"You say gratitude, but I think you were looking for a chance to extort him." Elisa said with a skeptical look.

"You wound me, detective." Xanatos said with a mocked hurt expression.

"And I assume you have permits for those weapons?" Elisa asked.

"Of course." Xanatos responded as he continued giving her the tour of the castle.

What neither of them noticed was Goliath watching them high up on one of the castle towers. This was a new human in his castle, so why was Xanatos allowing her passage? He would need to keep an eye on her until she leaves, in case she attempts to cause trouble.

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