Awakening Part 3

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Goliath wasn't exactly sure what these armed soldiers hit him with, but that dart made lose almost all of his strength. He looked up helplessly as the leader of these mercenaries pointed a gun at his head, while Elisa was held back by another mercenary.

"Once you're out of the way, we'll hunt down all those other ones like you." The mercenary threatened.

"No...I won't...let you." Goliath said as he tried to break out of the grip of the two mercenaries holding him down, but he just couldn't summon enough of his strength.

"What makes you think you've got a choice?" The leader asked sarcastically.

Not wanting to see her new friend dead, Elisa broke out of the grip holding her back by stomping on the merc's foot. She then elbowed him in gut before maneuvering behind him and pushing him to the side. Now that she was free, she charged at the merc about to fire his gun and tackled him off to the side, causing him to drop his gun.

While the ones holding him down were distracted by this, Goliath took this opportunity to kick one of the mercs back and flung the other two off his arms once he got back up.

Elisa ran up to Goliath, but before she could ask if he was alright, one of the down mercs began firing her gun at them. Thankfully she missed, which allowed to Goliath to pick Elisa up as they ran off, all the while avoiding being shot at. Goliath ran along the path before coming up to a large rock on the side and jumped off it, then began gliding low below the tree level.

The female mercenary continued to try and shoot them down, but the leader of the group stopped her. "Cease firing!" He ordered before looking in their direction with a smirk. "They won't get far."


Meanwhile, Danny and his three gargoyle friends were still flying above the city, or gliding in the gargoyle's case. The tael one was eating an entire role of cheese while the red one just looked at him with slight disgust.

"These are really great." The teal gargoyle said while taking big bites from the cheese wheel. "You should try some."

"We would have, if you hadn't have eaten the entire cart full." The red gargoyle pointed out.

"Seriously, I think you scarred that vendor for life." Danny said with a wince.

They soon landed on a rooftop and looked behind them to see the green gargoyle not that far behind. They moved out of the way as he came crashing down on the roof.

"This is a big city." The green one said after a tired groan. "And my wings are getting tired."

"Mine to, and it's a long way back to the castle." The red gargoyle said as he rolled his wings a bit.

"Is it really that tiring?" Danny asked curiously. "I mean, I haven't seen you guys flap your wings that much, so I didn't think it looked that exhausting."

"Trust me, it's exhausting." The green one said. "Our wings have to carry our entire bodyweight as we ride the wind drafts, so it can get pretty tiring."

The red gargoyle looked down at the street and saw a man hailing a vehicle that he called a taxi. He's seen them throughout their tour of the city and had seen take and drop off humans to various locations. Perhaps one of them could help them get back to the castle.

"Guys, I think I've got an idea." The red gargoyle said with a smirk.

Danny saw where he was looking and instantly knew what he was thinking. "Nuh-uh, that is a bad idea."

"Why?" The red gargoyle asked in confusion. Danny's faceplate disappeared as he gave a look that practically says 'are you serious' as he gestured towards the gargoyles bodies. The red one finally understood what he was getting at before looking down in embarrassment. "Oh, right...I forgot."

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