The Warped Life of a Hero

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A man in a prison uniform was currently laying in his bed inside his jail cell, passing time by reading a book. The man wore the usual orange jumpsuit, had black hair, a black mustache, and a patch of black hair beneath his lower lip.

He turned the page and continued to read when a two prison guards came by and unlocked his cell door, then opening it. "Cell inspection." One of the guards said.

'Same thing every other week.' The prisoner thought as he placed the book down and got up. One of the guards handcuffed him and had him wait outside his cell with other guard, in order to make sure that he wouldn't try anything. "Is this going to take long? I have just reached the climactic battle and I'd prefer to finish it before noon."

"You know the routine. This'll only take a minute." The guard said as he continued to search the cell for anything.

The prisoner sighed in annoyance, as this was done almost all the time. He would have voiced more of his annoyance, but he then felt a pinch on the side of his neck. He grunted in pain and turned towards the guard behind. His eyes widened in shock as he saw the guard was holding a syringe.

The prisoner would have made a cry for help, but his vision started to blur and his head began to spin. He legs wobbled for a second before finally collapsing. He continued to glare at the guard as he could now see both of them smirking at his downed form.

One of the guards picked up his walkie and spoke through it. "Tell transport he's prepped and ready to be shipped out."

Then the prisoner couldn't hang on to consciousness and passed out.

It wasn't until a few hours later where he finally started to regain consciousness. It didn't feel like much of an improvement as he found himself cuffed to a chair by metal braces on his wrists and he was in a dark room. The room was soon lit as a large television screen turned on and all that can be seen was an individual, who's form remained in the shadows.

"Mr. LaSalle, a pleasure to make your acquaintance, yet again." The figure said in a distorted voice.

"Not again." The prisoner, now named LaSalle, groaned in annoyance. "What do you want with me this time?"

"You're still under contract with us, LaSalle, and we still have some unfinished business." The figure said as the screen then changed to a news feed of Manhattan with two anchors talking.

What really surprised LaSalle was that they were talking while a video of Blue Beetle was playing of him taking down a couple of jewel thieves.

"That's right, folks, Blue Beetle is back! Although he may not be the one we all used to remember, this rising star has already started his hero career with a promising future. Already people have started to praise him these last couple of days for his heroics." The first news anchor said.

"How do we know that this is a new Blue Beetle? This could just be the same one, who has returned with some fancy new suit." The other anchor asked.

"He sounds too you to be the same on, but either way, he certainly has made an impact. Whether he's here to stay this time, only time will tell." The first anchor finished.

"You gotta be kidding me? I thought Blue Beetle was dead." LaSalle said in confusion.

"He is, I can assure you, but we need you to fulfill your contract and bring us this new Beetle." The figure said.

"Did you forget that you sending me after the last Blue Beetle is what sent me to prison in the first place? Give me one good reason why I should risk going back just go after this new guy?" LaSalle asked while glaring at the figure.

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