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"Where the hell have you been?"

I sigh. Of course they found out, "I was out with Lilac."

"In that?" My mom asks pointing to my tight red dress. "What were you guys doing wearing clothes like that?"

"Nothing," I say. I start to walk to the staircase to get to my bedroom. "Just hanging out."

"Bullshit," my dad says. "You were at a party. I can smell the alcohol and smoke on you."

"So," I say. "You guys weren't any better back in high school. I never get to do anything. I wanted to live for once in my life."

"By going to a party and illegally drinking!" My mom throws her hands into the air. "I thought we raised you better than that!"

"You did!" I yell. "But it's hard to have fun when all I do is business for you! I'm always at the faction! I can't even get my damn homework done!"

"That's not our fault," my father says. "Don't you dare blame anything on us. This is the life you live and you better accept it real fast or it's going to be a hard life for you."

I roll my eyes, "It already is a hard life for me."

"You're grounded," my dad says.

I start to walk up the stairs, "Like I care if you ground me! It's not like you guys let me do anything anyways!" I walk into my room and I slam the door really hard, making a big bang.

I plop down onto my bed and I stare at my ceiling. I wish my life was easier and I didn't have to do the shit that I do. Every other teen goes to parties every weekend and I'm stuck running around drugs and weapons for my stupid parents.

My phone beeps. I grab it from my purse to see a text from a number I don't have saved.

The message reads:

Unknown: I had a lot of fun tonight.

Me: This Zion?

Unknown: That would be me.

Me: How'd you get my number?

Zion: I asked Lilac for it. She's still here and she's super drunk.

Me: She must not be too drunk if she was able to give you my number.

Zion: Nah, I just took her phone and looked myself, lol. She was definitely way too drunk.

Me: Lol, well I had a lot of fun as well. Sorry I had to leave so early.

Zion: That's okay. Will you be here next weekend?

Me: Another party?

Zion: Almost every weekend. We love having parties here.

Me: I can tell.

Me: I'll try and come but no promises on that one. I'm always super busy.

Zion: Ah, busy girl. Maybe you need a break from everything then. Partying would be good for you.

Me: That's what I've been saying, but it's not that easy to tell my parents that.

Zion: They don't like you partying?

Me: Something like that...Goodnight, Zion.

Zion: Goodnight, Danny.

I turn my phone off and I stare at my ceiling again. I put my phone on my chest and I smile. I barley know this guy, but he's super sweet. Maybe tutoring with him won't be too bad after all.

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