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(Zion's pov)

"I hate it here," I groan.

Zion, the guys and I have been here for eight days now. We barley leave the studio because Zion is afraid that he will be out there waiting on me. I think he's just paranoid though. I'm going crazy here.

Nobody stays at the house because we don't want my dad to go there. If he does there then it wouldn't surprise me if he tries to hurt one of the other guys, so we thought it was safest for us all to stay here.

"I'm sorry, love," Zion says. "But we have to keep you safe somehow."

"I'll be fine," I say. "He's my dad. He won't actually try and kill me."

"You also never thought he would beat you," he says. "But look what happened."

"Yea, yea," I say. "Can we please just go out today? I want to do something."

"Like what?"

"I don't know," I say. "Shopping?"

"No," he says. "That's too public."

"You said you were going to take me shopping since I don't have any of my clothes."

"That was before your brothers showed up at my doorstep, Danny."

I roll my eyes, "You can't make me stay here forever. I'm going insane here."

"I am too, Danny, but what else am I supposed to do? Let you go out and get killed?" He asks.

"He's not going to be at the mall, Zion. Why would he be there?" I ask.

"Fine, whatever," he says. "Go get ready, but if something happens to your ass I'm never forgiving myself for this."

I smile and jump out of my chair. I practically run over to his chair and I give him a big kiss on the cheek, "Thank you, thank you!"

"Mhm," he smirks.


"Ah," I say as I take a deep breath, "It smells like normal life."

"Oh, shush," Zion says. He grabs my hand and we start walking around the mall. "Where do you want to go first?"

"Victoria's secret," I say.

He smirks, "Do I get to help pick something out here?"

"Mmm, maybe," I say.

"Please, love." We walk into the store and I start to look around. "Why won't you answer me?"

"Why do you have to pick something out?" I ask him. "Who says you'll ever see it?"

"Playing hard to get now, huh?"

"No," I say. "Just trying to knock down your ego a bit there."

I pick up a red, lace one piece, "I like that one," he says.

"Eh," I say putting it back. "Your opinion doesn't matter, remember?"

He groans, "Come on, love. I just want to pick out one think for you. That's all."

"Fine," I say. "But it better be cute."

"Deal," he says. He walks around with me and grabs a few things that he likes. He said I needed to try them on first before we buy them.

"Do you have enough?" I ask. "I think you have grabbed more than one thing."

"Well I'm sorry that I think you'll look amazing in everything in this damn store," he says.

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