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[6 months later]

(Danny's pov)

Six months without him. Six months I've been here in this hell hole. Six months with no human interaction except for when I'm on a mission, killing people again.

I know where I am now. I'm in Mexico. I won't tell Zion that though. I don't want him to come and find me. I can't let him get hurt. He knows I'm somewhere in Mexico because he writes me letters, but he doesn't know where at. I don't ever put my actual address on it.

I grab out my pen and my book. I start to write to him again. This is the only way I can communicate with him. My dad doesn't know I do this though. I have to sneak the letters into the mail every week.


How are you this week? I am sure it's sunny there. It's always sunny there. It's rainy here today. The rain makes everything so depressing though. I miss the sun. I'm not doing the best. Six months without you is the absolute worst in the world. I wish you were here with me. I wish I could cuddle you. I wish I could kiss your soft lips. I wish I could have one of your warm hugs...I hope you are doing okay. I just want you to be happy and okay. That's all I want for you.

How are the boys doing? And Lilac? I'm sure everyone is still taking it all so hard because of Nick. I'm so sorry about everything that happened to him. He didn't deserve everything that happened to him. I wish he could be there with you guys. I miss you all. Especially you.

Anyways, I love you, Caleb. Write me soon.

Love, Danny xoxo

I rip out the page I just wrote on and I put it in an envelope. I write Zion's name on it and his address. I won't be able to put it in the mail box until later tonight. That's the only time I can.

I lay back on my bed and I stare at my blank ceiling. Being honest, I'm doing awful. I'm so depressed. I hate being here. My dad still beats me and makes me feel like shit.

The only thing I want is to be with Zion.

(Zion's pov)

It's been six months since I've seen her. Six months without her touch, kiss, everything. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't look for her.

The police have been helping, but they also have other cases to attend to. That's why I just do a lot of it on my own. I know she's in Mexico and she has to be close to town since she walks to the post office almost every day.

Dealing with this makes me so nervous and so anxious. I just wish I could have her with me again.

"Yo, Zion!"

I walk into Nick's room. He hasn't been in this room for six months now. I hate being in here. It depresses me way too much.

"What's up?" I ask Edwin who is cleaning up some of his things.

"Do you think I could just take half of the shit in here?" He asks. "He has some pretty nice shit."

I chuckle, "Shut up."

"Fine, fine," he says. "The real reason I called you is because I found this."

He hands me an envelope that has my name on it. He never told me anything about a letter. I wonder if I'm even aloud to open the damn thing.

"Should I open it?"

"I don't know," he says. "That's up to you. I'm sure he was going to give it to you before everything happened."

"Yea," I say. "I will open it later. Thanks for letting me know."

"No problem, man."

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