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[2 weeks later]

"Just let me listen, please," I complain to Zion.

"I don't think so," he says.

"We've been friends forever," I say.

He starts laughing, "Danny, we have only been best friends for like two weeks."

"So," I complain. "I just want to hear it. I'm sure it's absolutely amazing."

He sits back in his chair and smirks, "Tell me what makes you so busy all the time then."

"That's not fair," I say.

"I guess you don't get to hear it then," he says.

"Fine," I say. "I'll just ask Brandon to show me it then. He will do it."

He frowns and starts to type away on his computer again, "What's going on with you and Brandon? You guys seem to talk a lot."

"Nothing," I say. "We are just good friends."

Truth is I only talk to Brandon because of our faction. We always talk about it because we have to figure things out sometimes. We can't tell Zion that though.

"Seems more than that," he says.

"Is somebody jealous?" I smirk.

"Never," he says.

I walk over to his desk and I stand behind his chair as he continues to work on his computer. I start to play with his hair with my fingers. "Zion, I feel like you are hiding something from me."

"You are the one keeping secrets from me," he says. "I don't keep secrets."

"I think you are," I say. I slowly spin his chair and then I sit down on his lap. His breathing immediately starts to hitch, so I know he's nervous. "What would you do if I were to kiss you right now?"

"I would, uh."

"That's what I thought," I say.

"I wouldn't kiss you back," he says.

"Are you sure about that, Zion?"

He chuckles, "No."

"Ah," I say. "So you would kiss me back?"

"Maybe you should just find out yourself."

I smirk, "Maybe I should." I lean in to his beautiful face. My lips lightly press onto his and he immediately kisses me back. Our lips move in sync for about thirty seconds until I pull away with a big smile on my face.

"Now you know," he says. "That I would kiss you back."

"Well now I know that you were jealous."

"And what if I am?" He asks. "Do I have a reason to be jealous still?"

"No," I say.

"Good," he says. "Because you are mine."

"Am I now?"

"Yes," he says.

"What if I don't want to be yours?"

"You don't have a choice," he says. "You're mine."

"Then I guess you are mine too," I say.

"Go get ready," he says.

"For what?"

"You'll see," he says. "I want to go show you something."

"Well I'm already ready then," I say.

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