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So there the three students sat.

Soomin huffed and Misun smirked as she knew her father would be arriving. Renjun awkwardly sat there between the two and lightly caressed Soomin's hand to try and calm her down.

His cold hand squeezed her warm one when they heard a knocking on the door and gave a smile of encouragement.

"What happened?" Soomin's father asked as he was allowed in the room and laid eyes on his runaway daughter.

"These two had an altercation and one apparently slapped the other." The lady said and Youngho immediately glared at his daughter.

"Again Soomin? How many fucking times-"

"I didn't do shit!" Soomin exclaimed, eyes narrowing at her father.

"Listen, why'd you have to call him? I don't classify myself as his daughter anymore plus I am not in the fault here!" Soomin questioned the lady while Youngho glared at Renjun this time.

"He was Misun's emergency contact seeing as how her mother didn't pick up." The woman explained calmly.

"Why the hell are you here?" Youngho asked the boy who rolled his eyes.

"You should know not to get an attitude with me, Youngho." Renjun said with a cocky smirk as his eyes flashed red to the man who gulped.

"I'm the one who stopped them from fighting. You're welcome." Renjun said and stood up, going to hold Soomin's hand.

"We aren't needed here anymore, are we?" Renjun asked the woman as his red eyes looked deeply into hers, putting her in a trance.

"No." The woman said as she gazed upon his red eyes and feeling herself being put under control.

"Good. Misun will get suspended right?" Renjun asked and the woman nodded her head.

Suddenly, Youngho shoved the boy out of pure anger.

"Mad now, are you? I would be too but you're so damn lucky I'm not or else I would have taken you outside of this damn school and rid you of all the blood in your system and drop your body somewhere in a ditch." Renjun said deeply as his eyes bored in to the older man's. Youngho suddenly started feeling a headache from his gaze and Renjun chuckled slightly.

"Don't try anything again Youngho. We both know how it can end." Renjun said with a smirk and faced the two girls.

Misun held a slightly shocked and scared expression while Soomin just stood uninterested.

"Let's go, Bae." He said and grabbed his girlfriend's hand, leading them out of the office and putting the lady out of her trance to finish her job on suspending Misun.

The two walked the halls together with each other's fingers intertwined.

"You know you don't have to keep saving me from my dad." Soomin said.

"I just don't want you to be in bad moods because of him." Renjun replied softly and Soomin stopped walking making him stop as well.

"I know you're trying to help but I can fight my own battles against him." She told him and looked him in his eyes.

"I really do appreciate the help but I would rather our arguments to be between me and him only." She said with a small smile and Renjun just sighed before smiling back.

"Alright. If anything, and I mean anything at all happens, just say my name three times and I'll be there for you." He said and she nodded her head.

"Thank you. You mean a lot to me." She said and linked her arms around his neck, pulling him down and attaching their lips.

Their lips moved together in perfect sync for a few seconds before Soomin pulled away.

"Don't stop." Renjun whined as he tried to attach their lips again, making Soomin place her hand over her mouth and laugh.

"We're at school. No make out sessions here." She said and Renjun just sighed.

"Fuck school." He said and grabbed her hand so they could return to their friends.

Once the group saw the two coming, they all began questioning them.

"Why were you two gone for so long? Oh my gosh did y'all fuck in scho-" Haechan was cut off my Soomin smacking his arm.

"No you idiot. Misun had shown up and started shit and we had to go to the office and yadayadayada." She said with a slight annoyance as she recalled the moment.

"Wait something looks different about you Soomin.. Did you do something to your hair?" Haechan asked and everyone at the table stared at him with an 'im so done with him' expression.

"I cut it. Used to be long now it's short." She told Haechan and he nodded his head in understanding.

"Looks good on you." He said with a wink and earned a glare from Renjun.

"Watch it, Lee." Renjun said and Jeno was the one to become confused.

"What the hell did I do?" Jeno asked with a puzzled expression and Soomin laughed as she realized that Renjun had called Haechan by the nickname she called Jeno.

"Not you, dumbass. Talking to Dongfuck here." Renjun said and Jeno just 'ahh'ed in understanding only to become confused again but this time with Jaemin.

"Who the hell is Dongfuck?" They asked and the three others slapped their hands on their foreheads.

"Dongfuck. Lee Donghyuck? Lee Haechan?" Renjun said and Jaemin and Jeno became shocked slightly.

"I didn't know his name was Donghyuck." Jaemin muttered to the boy who sat next to him and Jeno nodded in agreement.

"Ah, my two idiot best friends." Soomin said with a delighted sigh.

"You love us though!" Jaemin said and clicked his tongue, shooting finger guns at the girl.

"You know it." She replied as she did the same with her eye smile making everyone laugh at her.

"Oh yeah, parents are coming home today and we're gonna have to tell her about your situation." Jaemin said and Soomin sighed.

"Momma and Poppa Na are coming? Jaemin, I'm staying the night." Jeno said and Jaemin just nodded.

"Hey, don't stress about it too much. They love you so I'm more than certain that they'd let you stay with us. They were practically your second parents." Jaemin reassured the girl who only nodded her head sulkily.

"It'll be okay, Bae." Renjun said and lightly pecked her lips making the boys scream.

"PDA! PDA!" Haechan shrieked and the table earned a couple stares from the students. Renjun and Soomin just laughed at their expressions.

The group continued to talk until lunch time was over and they had to return to classes.

The school day went on for a good while without any interruptions and Jaemin and Soomin made their way to Jaemin's house where they would have to talk to Jaemin's parents. All Soomin could do was hope for the best.

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