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"Bae! Get over here!"

Bae Soomin. The average sized, arrogant, yet adorable and charming girl. Known to speak her mind and cares for nothing except for the ones she loves.

Her long, silky black hair flipped as she turned her head to the voice. Her dark, uninterested eyes darted around the room, looking for the source of the voice.

Her eyes laid on her best friend, Na Jaemin and an immediate smile formed on her face. Her pearly whites were being shown and her eye smile captivated those around her. Her hips swayed slightly as she walked towards him, then going into a jog.

"Na!" She exclaimed and pulled the guy into a hug as she approached him.

"Someone's excited to see me." Jaemin chuckled and returned the hug, patting her back slightly and enjoying the embrace.

"Well of course I'll be excited. Lee and I missed you! You were sick for days!" She said as she pulled out of the hug, ruffling his black hair.

"Where is he anyways? I miss him." Jaemin asked, only to have his eyes covered by someone behind him with a teasing voice saying "Guess whoo."

Jaemin smiled and pulled the hands off his eyes, turning around and tackling down the culprit who covered his eyes.

"Jenooo!" He shouted and started threatening to kiss Jeno's face, makin him cringe and turn away.

"Nana stop!" Jeno yelled and pushed the male off of him while laughing.

"You two act so gay I'm surprised y'all aren't dating." Soomin said and took a sip of the water she had in her bag.

"Sweetheart, it isn't gay if it's your homies. It's simply called 'bromance'." Jaemin said and patted down his clothes, ridding them from dust.

"Whatever. Let's go to class." The two boys nodded and began following the girl who danced around to the music playing through one of her earbuds, knowingly being judged by her two best friends.

Her mood was then entirely ruined when she collided with another person, phone falling out of her hand as well as headphones being tugged off in the process. She fell straight on her butt and heard curses coming from the person who she bumped into.

"Watch where you're going dumbass!" The person yelled as he stood up, grabbing his fallen phone. Soomin did not like his tone at all and scoffed.

"Rude much? I would've apologized if it weren't for your nasty attitude." Soomin remarked, scrambling to grab her phone while her best friends snickered behind her.

As she stood up, her eyes found that of the person she bumped into, an immediate scowl forming on her face as she realized it was the same guy from yesterday.

"You again?! Listen learn to fucking pay attention while you walk idiot." The guy said and Soomin just rolled her eyes.

"Learn how to keep your attitude in check Renjun." Soomin replied, saying his name in a teasing tone as she read the name tag he wore.

"You're one to talk Bae!" Jaemin said from behind, bursting out into giggles with Jeno as they watched their friend get angry.

"Bae? As in Bae Soomin?" Renjun asked, an eyebrow raising and an amusing smile creeping on his face.

"Yeah. Learn to read a fucking name tag." She said and proudly showed her name tag off, emphasizing that she was the one and only Bae Soomin.

"Well, Soomin, I hope you learned your lesson and you better not bump into me again or else."

"Or else what?" She question, folding her arms and a challenging expression appearing on her face. His eyes turned to a deep red color as he leaned into her ear, toning down his voice to a whisper.

"Or else I will not hesitate to kill you and toss you into a ditch having no one be able to find you." He said with a smile.

"Oh my I am so scared. A little boy with cute shoulders is gonna kill me for bumping into him." She said, putting on a fake scared expression before bursting out into a laugh.

"Whatever, Huang. Try not to bump into people that are just happily listening to their music. Now kindly go fuck off." She said with a fake smile before walking away, Jaemin and Jeno following shortly behind and attempting not to burst out laughing even more.

Renjun scoffed and turned his head, watching the girl walk off to the other direction which he was heading.

"What a bitch." He muttered and walked his own way past, not caring if he was late or not to his class.

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