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"Hmmm," Lyanna said, pacing around the room in front of Rhena and Tyla. She was smiling and had a finger over her lips in concentration. "What will you name your first son?" Rhena laughed softly and shook her head at the girl's question.

The three of them were in the princesses chambers, her last night in them, and laughing together. Swapping stories and playing games. Tomorrow was Rhena's wedding. She could hardly believe it, she was marrying Jaime tomorrow. As bizarre as the thought was, the princess couldn't find anything to be nervous about. This was Jaime, her best friend, the love of her life. What was there to be afraid of?

The three were now playing a game of truth. If asked a question, they had to answer truthfully, no matter the subject. Rhena thought over Lyanna's question. "A strong Lannister one," Rhena said thoughtfully. "Lord Tywin wouldn't have it any different." Then sighed wistfully and looked out of the window. "Though I always envisioned my children to have Targaryen names. Perhaps after my father or his brother, Aemon. Though if I had to choose one from each, I would say Tyros for the Lannisters and Aryen for me."

Tyla smiled slyly. "So you have been thinking of names, and in depth it sounds like. How long has this thought been bouncing around your mind?" Lyanna collapsed in a fit of giggles and Rhena's maid quickly followed.

"Oh hush!" she cried with red cheeks and a small smile, before she whacked the two with fluffy pillows. Shortly after succumbing to her own laughter. "Now Lyanna." She said when they had all calmed down. "Have you ever met your betrothed?" Rhena was of course referring to Robert Baratheon. "Is he as handsome as the maidens say?" Lyanna blushed and looked down.

"Ned and him are the closest of friends. I have met him on a number of occasions." Tyla and Rhena leaned in expectantly. Lyanna rolled her eyes and focused on the tassels of the pillow on her lap. "He is very handsome I suppose."

"You suppose?" Rhena asked with a raised eyebrow. Lyanna looked away with a rueful smile on her face.

"It is sort of hard to tell when he has his face buried in the bosom of a serving maid isn't it?" Lyanna answered matter of factly. Rhena reached for the girl's hand in comfort and Lyanna allowed it to be taken. "I know that I shouldn't wish for the match to be remade, that there are worse men out there, but I wish..." Lyanna trailed off. "He loves me, I can see it, but he also loves his whores and his wine. I heard that he already has two bastards in The Veil and one in Winterfell, and I do not wish to be the wife who everyone pities because her husband had strayed from his marriage bed far too many times to count." Lyanna then turned her gaze to Rhena. "I wish to be loved as Jaime loves you or the way my father loved my mother and how much the knights in the songs love their ladies."

Rhena flinched slightly. She often forgot how lucky she was in her betrothal to Jaime. She was matched with a kind and honorable man who loved her and happened to be the future lord of a great house. Rhena was a damn fool if she didn't think herself and Jaime blessed by the gods.

"Perhaps he will come to understand you in time." Tyla offered softly, stroking the northerner's hair and patting her leg in comfort.

"Perhaps." Lyanna agreed shakily. The night went on and as the sun was setting over the blue ocean, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Rhena called, cheeks flushed of wine and smile bright as she laughed with her now two closest friends. When the door creaked open, Queen Rhaella was there, watching the three with obvious fondness. Tyla and Lyanna were quick to their feet and both curtsying.

Rhaella smiled and walked forward, eyes set on her daughter. "Mother." Rhena said fondly, rising gracefully from the bed still with the red drink running in her veins.

Rhaella opened her arms and the young princess fell into them, burying her face into her mother's hair. The soft strands hung down around the queen's shoulders in loose braids and smelled of oranges and spearmint, an oil from Dorn which helped her headaches.

When Rhena opened her eyes and looked to where her two friends were standing, they were gone. Most likely wanting to give the queen and her daughter some privacy. Rhaella placed her hands on Rhena's cheeks and smiled softly.

"My only daughter." the woman started. "My button married tomorrow." Rhena smiled and leaned into her mother's touch. "To an honorable man and into an honorable house. I am happy for you."

"Thank you mamma." Rhena sat on her bed and gazed at the Targaryen cloak which she would be wearing till the ceremony tomorrow. She fiddled with her ring and leaned her head on Rhaella's shoulder who had sat down next to her.

"Lord Tywin and I expect grandchildren soon." Rhaella said with a throaty laugh. Rhena laughed with her and shook her head slightly.

"I don't think that will be a problem," Rhena said. "Would you rather a granddaughter or a grandson?" Rhaella hummed and grasped her hand.

"It is of no importance to me. I need no male heirs to my house though I am sure the Lannisters would appreciate a son. I myself hope for a girl to teach." The queen's hands were now weaving their way into the young woman's hair. Rhena smiled softly and watched as a girl was pieced together in her mind. A girl with golden hair and lavender eyes. A girl who loved the sword as well as the needle and who would bring pride and glory to her house along with any brothers who came with her.

"I like that idea too." Rhena smiled. The girl faded from her mind and in her place was an empty room; all of her things had been moved to her and Jaime's new chambers. The only things that were left were some things to do her up the next morning, her house cloak, and her wedding dress. "Will father miss you tonight?" Rhena asked her mother, a childish note in her voice that only showed when her mother was around. Something that Rhena hated that had never shook off from her youth.

"He will have to." Rhaella said with a kiss to Rhena's brow. The two spent the rest of the night talking and laughing. Lyanna and Tyla never came back, but Rhena knew that they would be there with Cersei and her ladies in the morning to help her get ready.

When the moon was at its peak, Rhena's eyes closed and was lulled to sleep by her mother singing the song of Jenny of Oldstone.

High in the hall of the kings where are gone Jenny would dance with her ghosts

the ones she had lost and the ones she had found and the ones who had loved her the most

the ones who'd been gone for so very long she couldn't remember their names

they spun her around on the damp old stones spun away all her sorrow and pain

and she never wanted to leave

never wanted to leave

never wanted to leave

never wanted to leave

they danced through the day and into the night through the snow that swept through the hall from winter to summer then winter again till the walls did crumble and fall

and she never wanted to leave

never wanted to leave

never wanted to leave

never wanted to leave

and she never wanted to leave

never wanted to leave

high in the halls of the kings who are gone Jenny would dance with her ghosts

the ones she had lost and the ones she had found and the ones who had loved her the most

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