✹twenty four✹

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╣the gods were cruel and they were silent╠

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╣the gods were cruel and they were silent╠

"I wish for your son to return my daughter." Rickard Stark's voice boomed through the stone archways before the Iron Throne where the Targaryen king sat. "I wish for him to atone for his sins."

Aerys' eyes flashed purple and Jaime had to look away to hide the grimace which fought its way across his face. The vast room still reeked of the burnt flesh of the king's last victims and the soft sandstone seemed to hold their screams. He prayed to the gods that Lord Stark was not the next pile of ashes that the maids would sweep away.

Jaime missed Rhena. He missed Cersei and Tyrion. Gods, he even found himself missing his father from time to time. He missed Casterly Rock and it's blue bays. All that he had in King's Landing was a king filled with madness and an ocean filled with the shit of the common folk.

Aerys fingers gripped a hilt of a sword which protruded from the throne. The pommel was laid with three precious violet gems to match the eyes of Aegon and his sisters. The three who had conquered the continent. The three who had brought dragon fire and madness.

"I do not know whom you speak of, Lord Stark." The lord's name was spat out with barely concealed malice. "My son has not contacted me since the tournament. I assumed that he had taken a trip to Casterly with his sister."

Rickard glared up at the throne and bared his teeth as if he were a true wolf of the north. It was a pity that wolves did not thrive in the South. "My daughter!" He shouted, no longer able to hold his temper. "You will tell me where she is!"

King Aerys huffed in rage for being told what to do for maybe the first time in his life. "I will do no such thing." the king hissed in annoyance and anger. "You do not command a king. A king commands his subjects. Last I heard, Aerys, not Rickard, held the throne of the Seven Kingdoms." He chuckled and Jaime felt a chill travel down his spine. The king's laugh tapered off into a frown. "Now kneel."

Rickard's face morphed into one of rage. That was what the Stark face was built for. Not for smiles or smirks, but for rage and stoic calm. The man grabbed his eldest's arm and moved to exit the hall in a storm of grey.

Aerys' face grew red. "KNEEL!" His voice echoed through the hall in waves and the nobles flinched at the sound. "I have not dismissed you Lord Stark!" Rickard didn't care to listen and pulled his son away. They were blocked by Ser Barristan and four others of the Targaryen guard, swords held aloft and ready to strike. "Kneel!" Aerys called again, voice traveling to the other side of the room.

Rickard turned slowly and a silver fire was alight in his eyes. "I will not kneel to a king consumed by madness and hate." He walked towards the throne with measured steps, looking more a king than the silver headed slime before him. The strength of his voice grew with every word and Jaime stepped in front of the king in case of any blood shed. Rickard stopped a sword's length away from Jaime though his eyes were fixed on the king. "I will aly myself with you no longer. Let the fury of all the seven kingdoms fall upon you!" The man's voice was a thunder, promising the storm which would dash the Targaryen name to dust.

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