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Rhena and Lyanna trecked their way up to the highest tower where the Mertell's were staying, trying to make up for lost time. Because of this, they weren't able to change from their riding clothes and fell into the room in a tangle of hair, smiles, and laughter. The women of Elia's court turned to the door as the two made their way in and stood in respect for the princess.

"Ah! Elia, I'm so sorry for being late, Lady Lyanna and I were caught up in our riding." She said with a bright smile. Elia smiled softly and inclined her head.

"No worries, we have just barely started Your Highness." She said in her sweet Dornish accent. The smooth words blended together in a way that Lyanna and Rhena had never heard before and they found themselves entranced by the soft voice of the visiting princess. A needle was in her hand and she gripped the yellow fabric of her house close to her, as if savoring the last moments she had as a Martell.

Rhena's mother sat next to the princess and was holding a cloak of her own. It was in the Targaryen red and Rhena came to the sound conclusion that it was to be Rhaegar's cloak which he would give Elia during the ceremony. "Mother." Rhena said, striding forward gracefully and giving her mother a kiss on the cheek. Queen Rhaella gave her daughter a look and Rhena looked back sheepishly. "I swear, we lost track of time. Rhaegar had to remind us." The women in the room giggled slightly at the mention of the name and sent looks to Elia who ignored them completely. And this is why Rhena preferred her time be spent with her sharp tongue handmaiden, Jaime, or Tyrion. They did not giggle at the simplest things, and they did not whisper secrets at court.

"Well," her mother said, her voice soothing all embarrassment and silencing the room. "Thank the gods he ran into you. Take a seat my dear." Rhena sat next to Elia in the seat that had been reserved for her. Lyanna remained standing, watching in slight wonder. This was surely her first southern wedding and the customs for the old gods were different. "Come now dear." The Queen said with a polite smile. "What is your name?" She asked, wanting to know who had been placed in her daughter's service.

"Lyanna Stark Your Grace." The girl said as she curtsied. Rhaella looked to Rhena in question and the girl straightened and faced her mother and the rest of the ladies.

"Lord Tywin thought that we could become great friends and he made the offer to her to become one of my ladies." They smiled at each other and Lyanna came to sit with the rest of the princess' and queen's ladies. "We went out riding this morning and I do believe that we can become good friends. In fact!" Everyone's attention was now on the princess who was the perfect picture of grace and wildness at the same time. "Would you and your family stay for the month, just until Jaime and I are married, you can get used to the life around here, and may even snag a proposal." She said with a mischievous glint in her eye.

Lyanna laughed, and those around her thought it to be bells. "I would love to," She said merrily. "Though I may have to turn down that marriage proposal, I fear my father has already made a match for me." so it was true. Rhena thought to herself. Lyanna was betrothed to Robert. If she could befriend the northerner into her trust, Rhena and Tywin might be able to stop a war.

"Oh yes, the young lord of Storm's End." One of Elia's ladies said with excitement. "Have you met him?" And so the conversation continued with talk of wedding and love and babies, all the things that men think women are good for. Perhaps it's just a huge loop, men thinking women only do these things so women only do the things they want them to. And so the wheel continues.

Elia, who had yet to say anything regarding her or Rhena's wedding, continued sewing on the Dorn Sun on the back of her cloak, the embroidery beautiful and Rhena lined the Targaryen one with black threat while her mother intricately embroidered black dragon wings onto the shoulders, spreading down the sides and framing the Targaryen crest which was already sewn on the very middle.

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