chapter 4

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Peters POV:

Morning before y/n took down the guy.

I woke up, and the time read 6:10. My phone started buzzing non-stop, and it was getting on my nerves
Happy was calling me. Shoot! Maybe Ms.Stark needs me quickly. I rush up from my bed and try to sound as awake I can be. "Hey Happy.".

"Peter are you still asleep???" His voice held disbelief. "N-no. Why? What's wrong?" I said while designing up. "What do you mean, why? Today you need to meet up white Tony, and he will be waiting to you in 30 minutes!" He said, and I heard Happy's car pulling up.
Happy said to get ready fast and come to the car ASAP.

I got ready very quickly and May put my Spider-man suit in my backpack. Then I remembered that I promised the new girl a tour around the city. Crap! I guess I'll have to text her that I have to cancel. I was really looking forward to it, and she was really nice and pretty and--focus

I got my phone and texted her while walking down to the car. I almost tripped on the stairs but got myself together.

Happy was waiting with an annoyed face. As soon as I got in the car he drove off quickly. "Umm Happy? Why does Stark want to see me?" I asked exited. "Why the hell are you asking me kid. I'm not Tony." He rolled up his window and I turned to look out of the window.

We arrived at the new avengers place that was huge, and it would take a whole day just to get through it all. Happy walked me in through the big entrance doors and went with me to the lab that Ms.Stark was in. Ms.Stark didn't even look up to us because he was working on something, probably something to do with his suit. Happy placed down on his desk some important documents and other papers, then turned to me and patted my shoulder and walked out.

"Oh hey Peter. Haven't seen you around." Tony said still not looking at me because he was finishing something. Finally, he looked up and walked to me closer. His Stoic look didn't help me figure out if he was mad, happy or tired. " Yeah. It's nice to meet you too again. Why did you call me here sir?" I said while looking at the papers that Happy placed down earlier. 

"I have a small mission for you that I think that you can handle pretty easily." He said while typing something in the computers. My eyes immediately darted to him and I tried to see what he was doing on the computer. I got exited, because he never asks me to do something especially if Happy can tell me, and he's occupied doing other important stuff like fighting amongst side the avengers. "Now don't get that happy because there is something odd with that guy that we want to find." Tony said while handing me the papers, so I can get a better look at them and the information that was on it.

"Oh. Wh-why's that?" I said interested in the photos of a man that was in the papers. "Here is the thing. You see that man on there. His name is Michael Dan, and we have been trying to find him. But here is the strangest thing. He doesn't appear on any cams or places. We think that he is hiding somewhere." He explained.

"May I ask, why is he important to catch? Is he someone bad or like have evil powers?" I asked, not trying to sound annoying. "We knew him a while ago, and he seemed like a normal person. Until we found out that he was selling very dangerous things and some things that were from avengers tower, and we don't know how he got them." He said still looking at computers trying to find something. "And, no. He does not have powers. He's just a guy, so it will be very easy for you. I have more important thing to get on."

"I want you to swing around here and there in places that you find sketchy or weird. Just keep in mind how he looks."
He said while walking me out the door, and he places one hand on my shoulders.
Happy looked at me annoyed, and we got in the car and drove back. The car ride was quiet, and I didn't want to get him more annoyed, so I just kept my toung behind my lips. He dropped me off somewhere near my apartment and I got dressed outside in an alleyway between buildings.

I saw him drove off, and I \shot a web to one of the building. It was and hour until I heard someone punching someone. At first, I thought that some kids got in to fight until  I saw the new girl punching someone in the stomach. She was hitting him hard, and I thought that she was going to break his arm, but she stopped. I looked closer and the person that she was fighting, and it was the same person in the photo that Ms.Stark gave me. Where did she learn to fight like that? Was she just a normal girl? God, I hoped so because I really liked her. 

I swung in and webbed him to the ground."you're a bit late for the fight spidey" she said while picking up her skateboard and walking away." Hey! How did you-- I-I mean are you alright miss?" I said with a confusion in my voice. She didn't look frightened one bit but had a little smirk. I will have to inform Ms.Stark about her.

She turned and walked backwards. "Yes I am, and thanks for the saving spider-man." She said and then stopped "hey. Could you please tell me where 20 Ingram street would be?" She said. Was she lost? I promised to show her around, and now she got in a fight because of me.
I told her and she walked away. I wanted to offer her a swing home, but I resisted. I called Happy to inform him to contact Stark and tell him that I found the guy.

After about 10 minutes later they finally arrived and threw him in to the car. I swung back to my place and changed the clothing. I called May, but she wasn't here, so I guess its just me home.


A/N: so what do you think about Peter's POV. I know this story is bad, but it's my second story ever. Btw check my Loki story in my profile. Leave a vote and comment. LY.

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