Chapter Ten

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I woke up to my obnoxious alarm clock blaring. I just groaned and hid my head under my pillows. I soon just decided to give up in hoping it would shut off and got up and shut it off myself. The only good thing about this morning is, well nothing. It's Monday morning which means school. I walked over to the window and opened the curtains to allow sunlight into my room. I closed my eyes at the sudden burst of brightness. My eyes adjusted and I went over to my closet getting out clothes for the day. I did my usual thing, shower, drying off, and getting ready. I took one last look at my outfit in the mirror and ran down the stairs to see Ethan and Aiden already gone. Sydney was sitting on the ouch dressed and ready for the day.
        "Hey." I said walking by her into the kitchen.
        "Hiya." she said back following me into the kitchen. 
        "Where are the twins?" I asked getting the juice out of the fridge and pouring myself a glass.
        "They were already gone when I came down stairs not to long after you." she explained. I nodded once and downed my juice as I heard a horn beep. 
        "That's Stiles." I said walking out of the kitchen to the door picking up and jacket and bag.
        "Can I tag along?" Sydney asked. I raised my eyebrows in confusion.
        "Well, I don't think Stiles and Scott will mind its just, we're going to school. You know that right?" I asked putting my jacket on. She rolled her eyes at me and put on her own jacket. 
        "I know this. I'm going to school here now." she said smiling at me. I rolled my eyes but not at Sydney, at how dumb Deucalion is. Sooner or later Scott and Stiles are going to get smart and know they are defiantly up to something, they already suspect it. I ushered her to follow me and we went out the door. I walked over to Stiles' jeep where Stiles and Scott were sitting in the front seat. I smiled at them and stopped at Scott's passenger side window. 
        "Hey guys. This is Sydney she's new, can she get a ride with us?" I asked them using my puppy dog eyes. Stiles looked behind me at Sydney and smiled.
        "Sure. Just get in or we'll be late." Stiles said pointing to the back seat. 
        "Thanks Stiles!" I said smiling. I made a hand gesture to tell Sydney to follow me into the back of the jeep. Once we were both in Stiles took off towards the school.
        "Since when are you eager to get to school on time Stiles?" I asked him looking at him in his rear view mirror.
        "I'm not, but Scott is." he explained. I looked at Scott who just shrugged. "So Sydney, you aren't, a, um..." Stiles trailed off.
        "A werewolf?" she finished for him. He nodded once and Sydney smiled. "I am actually. Only, I'm an alpha." she said to him. I mentally face palmed myself. Why would you say that? Stiles stiffened in his seat and so did Scott. I looked over at Sydney and rolled my eyes at her. 
        "Don't worry guys, she won't do anything to hurt anyone." I assured them. Stiles loosened up a bit and so did Scott. We pulled up to the school and Stiles parked in his usual parking spot. I looked around the parking lot searching for the twins' bikes but no such luck. I furrowed my eyebrows but shook my head and followed everyone out of the jeep. We walked towards the school, only I was pulled back by someone holding my arm gently. I looked over and saw Isaac and Boyd. I raised my eyebrows and stood in front of them.
        "What's up guys?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest. Isaac looked behind me and I turned around seeing Stiles, Scott, and Sydney looking at us.
        "You guys go on, I'll catch up." they all nodded and left.
        "You're coming with us." Isaac said crossing his arms over his chest. 
        "Um, Isaac, do you not remember we have a thing called school?" I questioned.
        "Yes, its called calling in sick." Isaac said proudly. I looked behind him and looked at Boyd.
        "Boyd, do you approve of this?" I asked. He shook his head no but opened his mouth to speak.
        "I do not, but we're skipping to help Derek." he explained. I stood straighter and nodded my head in understanding. I'll make up something later.
        "So what exactly are we helping him with?" I asked as we walked to Boyd's car. 
        "Kali is planning a little visit." Isaac explained. I stopped in my tracks and looked at them like they were stupid.
        "You're kidding me right?" I asked standing in my spot. Isaac and Boyd both turned to look at me. "Do you guys not remember the plan?" I asked them dumbfounded.
        "Yes we remember, but Derek needs us Ella." Isaac explained. Derek is going to kill us if we live through this. 
        "You do realize that if they find out I'm not really with them, then the plan is screwed?" I said crossing my arms. They both nodded. I just stood there and thought. Ah, what the hell, they're bound to find out somehow. I rolled my eyes and started walking with them. We soon pulling up to Derek's loft and walked in. Derek was looking at something and turned around glancing up at us.
        "Aren't you three supposed to be in school?" he asked looking at all of us.
        "Can't. We're sick." Isaac said with a smile. I rolled my eyes at him and walked past him and sat on the couch. 
        "We're here to help." I said looking at him, hoping he wouldn't yell. "Just saying, it was Isaac's idea to drag me." I said narrowing my eyes at Isaac. All he did was smile. Derek on the other hand did not look very happy.
        "You're kidding me right? She's our only hold against them. Once they find out we don't have the edge." Derek explained. 
        "We know. But we thought she could help." Isaac explained. Derek just shook his head and looked at the ground.
        "What did you have in mind?" Derek said leaning against the table. Isaac looked over at Boyd and smiled. As Isaac explained his plan, it actually seemed like an alright idea. About an hour later of him explaining, the loft was flooded with wires in the water. All of us were on a platform keeping ourselves out of the water so we don't get shocked. I was hiding from the door so they couldn't see me so maybe I won't be noticed. Sitting there waiting was the hard part. All of a sudden the power went out. 
        "What happened to the power?" Isaac asked standing from his spot. Everyone was standing now instead of sitting.
        "Someone must have shut it off." Derek explained looking alert. 
        "What does that mean?" Isaac asked.
        "It means they're here." Derek said walking out into the water. We all followed him into the water staring at the door. I was standing directly behind Derek so his body was hiding mine. The giant door suddenly slid open. I looked between the little gap of Derek's arm and his body to see Kali.
        "You know, I ask myself, what does a girl have to do to get you alone?" she said, I could sense the poison dripping from every word. I then saw Aiden and Ethan walk out from behind Kali holding, Ms. Blake? "Come one Derek, you think you can beat me one on one? You and me Derek,  or they rip her head off." Kali said with an evil smile. Derek nodded off to the side signaling for us to go to the side. I took a deep breath and followed Boyd and Isaac trailing behind me. Once I was visible to Kali and the twins they all looked at me in shock. I just looked at them all quickly and looked down. I heard Ethan mutter my name. I felt a pain in my chest and a tear slid from my eye. I looked up at him as a few more tears slid down my face. 
         "I'm sorry." I muttered to all of them. Kali and Derek then started fighting. I saw Derek getting his ass kicked and there was nothing I could do about it. Then I saw Isaac and Boyd take off towards Kali. "Stop you idiots! Are you trying to get killed?!" I yelled at them as I tempted to grab a hold of their shirts, but failed. I groaned and ran in. I threw Isaac and Boyd off of Kali just to be struck in the side by Kali's cat like claws. I let out a low growl and turned to face her. My claws grew and my eyes turned red. I fought with Kali one on one before but never like this. She was pissed off. 
        "I can't believe you Ella." she hissed as she threw a couple of scratches my way.
        "Believe what Kali? I'm not like any of you. The only one I'm most like are the twins. Now I may have sided with Derek, but I will protect Aiden and Ethan with my life. I would do that for you but you're too deep into the things Deucalion tells you to do. I will never be like Deucalion, I will never side with Deucalion. I do not agree with him, I do not agree with what he does." I said as I kicked her so hard she hit the wall. 
        "You killed your alpha right? You're more like us than you even think Ella." she said as she got up and walked towards me.
        "That's where you're wrong. I never wanted to be an alpha. I ever wanted to kill my alpha, for gods sake he was my father, you don't know my story, you never took the time to know it. That's what's wrong with your so called pack, you don't take the time to know anyone! Hell Kali! The only thing I know about you is your name! Same goes for Ennis, and Deucalion! None of you got to know me except for Ethan and Aiden." I said getting pissed off and fighting her with as much power as I had. 
        "Maybe you're right, but you didn't have to say you're with us when you've been with Derek the entire time!" she said fighting back twice as hard as I was. She kicked me and threw me into a wall.
        "Again, that's where you're wrong. My intention was to join Deucalion, then I found out was he has done to some people. That made me change my mind completely." I said standing up to just be knocked back down. I tried getting up but it was no use. Boyd tried attacking only to be thrown down. The power was suddenly turned back on electrocuting Derek, Kali, and myself. 
        "Grab him." Kali called to the twins. They did as they said and walked over to Derek holding his shoulders. Kali took Boyd by his shirt and dragged him over to Derek. The twins lifted up Derek's hands which were still claws. Kali picked up Boyd, lifting him up off the ground. My eyes widened and I tried getting up but failed. 
        "Kali, no!" I shouted as she dropped Boyd onto Derek's claws. I instantly felt tears sliding down my face. I suddenly found the strength to stand up. I sent a death glare to all three of them. 
        "You have until the next full moon. Do the right thing Derek, join the pack." Kali said as she walked out of the loft followed by Ethan and Aiden who looked at me with sad eyes. Cora rushed through the door and ran straight to Derek and Boyd. I leaned against the wall and cried. I felt a pair of arms around me. I looked up to see who they belonged too and it was Stiles. I wrapped my arms around him and let him hold me as I cried deeply. A few more minutes passed with complete silence except for some hiccups and coughs here and there from crying. I looked up from Stiles chest and looked over at Derek who was being held by Ms. Blake making my heart ache more. I don't know why it bothers me so much to see Derek hugging her but it does. It hurts and it bothers me. This just made me cling to Stiles more and cry even harder. Stiles stroked my hair making soothing sounds in my ears. A minute or so passed and I pulled away from Stiles smiling up at him. I saw the wet spot on his shirt from where I was crying and laughed half heartedly. 
        "Sorry about that." I said pointing to his shirt. He smiled and waved it off.
        "Don't worry about it." he said smiling down at me. I smiled at him and gave him one more hug.
        "Thank you Stiles." I mumbled in his chest. 
        "You're welcome Ells Bells." he joked. I looked at him with raised eyebrows. 
        "How did you-" I started asking but he cut me off.
        "Sydney was talking about you today." he explained smiling. I just rolled my eyes but smiled. I smiled one last time at Stiles and walked over to Derek and Isaac. I gave Isaac a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I then looked over at Derek who looked so broken. I instantly wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist. 
        "I'm so sorry." I said quietly sobbing in his shoulder. One of his hands stroked my hair.
        "You tried. There is no reason to be sorry." he said shaking his head. 
        "I could have tried harder. I could have fought harder." I said shaking my head. He pulled me away from him and cupped my face in his hands. 
        "Listen to me okay. You did the best you could. I'm proud of you, your father would be proud, your brother would be proud, your whole family would be proud. I'm proud to say that you are in my pack. You did everything you could." he said letting tears slip from his eyes. I raised my hand to his face wiping away a few tears. 
        "Derek, don't be hard on yourself. You did everything you could do. You may not see it, but you're one hell of an alpha. I'm proud to say that you're my alpha. Just don't be hard on yourself. You did everything you could." I said nodding my head at him. He hugged me again which surprised me. We broke our embrace and I sniffled. 
        "Well, I guess I should go pack my things." I said to let everyone know I was leaving.
        "Wait, Ella." Derek said before I could walk out the door. I turned around to face him. "You can stay here if you want. I'll even go with you." he said. I nodded and sent him a soft smile.
        "Okay." I said slightly. We walked outside and to his car. We drove to the twins' to only see that they weren't there. Good, I don't want to have to face them. "Derek, could you come in and help me pack? I really don't want to be here when they get back." I asked. Derek sent me a small smile and nodded. "Thanks." I said getting out of the car and walking into the apartment with Derek behind me. We walked up to my room and started packing. Once we were done packing we took all my stuff took Derek's car. As soon as I was about to get in the car the twins pulled in. I sighed a heavy sigh and closed the door standing there waiting for them to yell at me. They got off their bikes and their helmets and walked over to me. I looked at the ground only to be picked up in a bone crushing hug. I hugged back instantly letting tears fall again. 
        "I'm so so so sorry Ella." I heard Ethan say. I shook my head and was put down only yo be picked up by Aiden. 
        "We're really sorry Ella." he whispered. I was sat back down on the ground and I took a step back from them. 
        "You guys shouldn't be sorry, I should be the one to be saying sorry. The only thing I'm sorry about is lying to you guys." I said looking down. I left a finger under my chin being lifted. 
        "Don't be, you did what was best for you." Ethan said to me. I gave him a little smile and nodded. 
        "What is he doing here?" Aiden said in almost a growl.
        "He's here to help me gather my things." I said looking at him.
        "You can still stay here Ella Bella." Ethan said hugging me. I laughed at the nickname he gave me but shook my head.
        "I can't, it doesn't feel right. I'll be safe at Derek's. Just be safe okay? Both of you." I said looking at them both. They both nodded and I said goodbye and jumped in Derek's car.
        "You ready?" he asked. I looked at him and at the twins then back to him.
        "Yeah, I'm ready." I said nodding. He nodded and we left and headed back to Derek's loft.

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