Chapter Twelve

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Every day since that kiss between Derek and myself was awkward. We barely looked at each other and we also barely spoke. Every morning I made sure to only leave when I knew he was out running so we wouldn't bump into each other. Today was no different. I got out of bed and took a shower and did my daily routine. Once I was done I got dressed and went down stairs.  We found Cora. She has been seriously hurt and we don't know how to heal her. One minute she was like herself, then the next she's throwing up black goo. She's in the hospital and Derek is usually there every chance he gets. When I got down stairs Peter was sitting on the couch reading a magazine. I've also been ignoring Peter. I don't want to talk to anyone about it. The only people that have been asking me questions about Derek are Lydia and Allison. I walked past Peter and to the door when all of a sudden, Peter called out my name.
        "Ella." he called over the magazine. I mentally groaned and turned around to see he was still reading.
        "Yes?" I questioned putting my hands on the straps of my book bag.
        "You do realize, you can't not talk to Derek forever right? He is your alpha after all." he said glancing over at me. I sighed and nodded.
        "I know that. It's just really awkward." I said slumping over to him.
        "You don't think I know that? You could cute the tension with a knife when you are both in the same room." he said putting his magazine down.
        "I just don't know what to say to him." I said honestly.
        "Just tell him how you feel." he said standing up and walking over to a table.
        "Oh yeah cause that will work. 'Hey Derek just thought I'd tell you, when we kissed it was the best thing that's happened to me in a long time and I hate your witch of girlfriend.' Or whatever she is. Cause that will go over well." I said scoffing at his suggestion.
        "You never know." he said picking up a water and drinking it. I heard the honk of a familiar blue jeep come from down below.
        "Okay, well I have to go before I'm late." I said to him walking out of the door quickly. I ran outside and into Stiles' jeep feeling relieved.
        "You alright there?" he asked as he started pulling away.
        "Yeah, just some things going on right now." I said. He just nodded and we continued to talk about random things.
        "So are you going to the play tonight?" he questioned. I looked over at him and shrugged.
        "Probably. Could you give me a ride if I go?" I asked. Stiles looked over at me and smiled.
        "Of course." he said smiling and turning his head back towards the road. We pulled up to school and got out walking in together.
        "I have to run to my locker." I told Stiles. He nodded and we went our separate ways. I got to my locker to see a note attached.
                                                Just tell him already. -Peter
        I sighed and shook my head while crumbling up the piece of paper. How did he get here before us? Oh well. The day seemed to drag on. Finally it was ninth period and my least favorite class of the day. I walked into class to see Scott and Stiles were already there. I took my seat in front of Scott and began taking out my stuff.
        "Hey Ella." Scott said from behind me. I turned to look at him and smiled.
        "Hey Scott." I said nicely. Scott and Stiles have become like two of my brothers. Annoying at times, but still like my brothers. Ms. Blake walked into the classroom and began teaching her lesson. When the day was finally over I thanked the Gods above and grabbed my stuff and walked out with Stiles and Scott. We went to Scott's locker and then left. I decided to go with Stiles to Scott's house. They were busy trying to figure out this thing with the Durak. I quietly sat down and said nothing as my mind raced. I was shaken out of my thoughts by Stiles yelling at me. I looked over at him and Scott.
        "Come on, we're going to see a play." Stiles said starting to leave his room. I quickly followed and shut the door behind me. We got to the school to see that it was insanely packed. We walked into the auditorium, where the play was held. We stood in the back and Scott started talking but I wasn't listening. Not to long later, we saw that Lydia was no where to be found. Scott and Stiles rushed out and I tried to follow, only to be stopped by someone grabbing a hold of my wrist. I looked behind me to see Aiden. 
        "You're trusting them?" he asked with a sad face. I sighed and walked towards him.
        "Yes Aiden. I do trust them." I said quietly. He looked hurt. I wrapped my arms around his neck in a hug and kissed his cheek. "This doesn't mean I'm going to just leave you and Ethan. You guys are like brothers to me. I love you both." I reassured him. He smiled slightly which I returned and ran out the door to find Scott and Stiles. They were both trying to get into a door. I ran and tried helping them. Once inside it didn't shock me at what I saw. Lydia was tied to a chair and Ms. Blake was standing beside her with a knife to her neck. Mr. Stilinski, Stiles' dad, was sitting on the floor with his hands held up. I ran towards Ms. Blake only to be thrown back.
        "Little weakling." she muttered with a sneer. Stiles and Scott ran over to try and help only to be knocked away as well. While we were all laying on the floor we heard a crash of glass. I looked around to see Ms. Blake gone, along with Mr. Stilinski. I looked over at Stiles who's eyes were glistened with tears. I scooted over to him and held him letting him cry in my arms. I whispered soothing things to him trying to calm him down. We all stood up and we immediately went to Derek's loft. Once we got there we ran in and saw him sitting on his bed. Scott and Stiles rushed over to him and I trailed behind. 
        "What are you guys doing here?" Derek asked as he stood up. 
        "We have something important to tell you." Scott said. I stepped up beside him and looked at him with sad eyes.
        "What's going on?" he asked as he crossed his arm and furrowed his eyebrows.
        "Ella, you tell him. He trusts you more." Stiles said pushing nodding for me to walk over to Derek. I sighed knowing he was probably right.
        "Derek, you might want to sit down." I said to him. He didn't move so I just continued. "At the play, Lydia went missing. We went to go find her and we found her in a classroom tied up and Ms. Blake standing behind her with a knife to her throat." I said the last part quietly. As soon as I finished I looked down at my feet. I heard the shuffling of feet and felt arms wrap around my shoulders. I relaxed a little and looked up at Derek. He looked broken so I hugged him back. We sat in silence for a few minutes, letting the information we just told Derek to sink in. The red light at the top of the door went off signalling that someone was here. Derek got up from his spot and signaled us to stay where we were. The door opened and I immediately heard the familiar sound of heels clacking on the floor.
        "Derek!" we heard a screech. I cringed, wanting to run out there and slit her throat with my bare claws. I gritted my teeth so I wouldn't growl. I saw Jennifer wrap her arms around Derek's shoulders and Derek gave her one back but not as "loving" as she was.
        "You need to here this from me before the others try and tell you." Jennifer said. She then kissed Derek which made my stomach churn with hate. Derek, however, did not kiss back which made Jennifer step back. "They're already here, aren't they." Ms. Blake said. That was our cue to step out from where we hid. I stepped out fuming with hatred and ready to pounce. Stiles, however, had a hold on my shoulder keeping me back.
        "Let's see what you really look like." Scott said taking out powder and blowing it at her. For a split second she turned into a hideous creature, with cuts all over her face and almost no mouth, and was bald. I looked at Derek who looked pissed. He ran towards her and grabbed her by the neck and slammed her into the wall. I started to step forward only to be held back by Stiles. I looked up at him and he shook his head. I huffed and crossed my arms.
        "What are you?" Derek snarled. Ms. Blake gasped for air and tried tearing away at Derek's hand that only got tighter.
        "The...only person...that your sister." she choked out. Derek dropped her to the ground. I then walked over to Derek's side ignoring the protests of the two people that were stopping me. "Keep me safe and you're sister will be saved." she said standing to her feet. I snarled at her and clenched my fists at my side wanting to hit her. Derek placed his hand on my arm attempting to calm me down, which worked a little bit.
        "I don't believe her Derek." I said in a whisper. If I said it any louder I would lunge out and attack Ms. Blake.
        "I don't either, but what choice do we have?" he asked in a sour tone. I sighed knowing he was right. "Fine. You heal my sister, and we'll help you get out of here." Derek said with a sour face.
        "Promise me your safety and I will." she said with a wicked grin. I cringed at her words and looked up at Derek who had his eyes shut.
        "Fine." he said the word as if it was poison drowning him. Ms. Blake smiled in victory and began walking towards the door. "Scott, Stiles, make sure she gets into my car. I want to talk to Ella." Derek said nodding for Scott and Stiles to follow Ms. Blake out the door. Once they were out of sight and Derek was sure they were out of ear shot Derek turned to look at me. I opened my mouth to say something only to be stopped by Derek crashing his lips directly against mine. My eyes widened in surprise but quickly shut. I kissed him back. My heart fluttered and my stomach did flips. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, bringing him closer to me. Derek's arms snaked around my waist and one hand went to my butt, cupping it and lifting me up off of the ground. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he began to walk backwards towards his bed. He gently laid me down on it and crawled on top of me careful not to break our lip lock. I moaned against his mouth which cause him to as well. His hand went up my shirt slightly, rubbing circles on my exposed skin. Derek moved from my mouth to my neck and started sucking on the sensitive skin.
        "Derek,we should go." I said, slightly out of breath. Derek stopped and looked at me. He nodded and kissed my lips again, but this time more gentle. He stood up and offered his hand to me which I took. He intertwined our fingers and led me outside to his car.

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