✧ Seven

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I woke up with the sunshine shining on half of her face. Her messy pink hair was shining so bright due to the incredibly bright rays from the sun. She was still asleep and her chest would consistently rise and fall in a steady motion. My head felt like it was spinning, and with her sleeping so close to me it made me wonder what I had forgot from the previous night. I lifted the plush blanket and saw that I was still in my clothes and I let out a sigh of relief. If I were to ever do something with her I wanted it to be meaningful, and I actually wanted to remember it. I moved my head sideways to the slighest degree and a sheer pain rushed through my skull. I let out a loud groan which caused her to stir in her sleep. I bit my lip and silently cursed to myself. She moaned a little and her eyes fluttered open. She smiled as soon as she saw me and a small smile grew on her face. She didn't say a word, instead she simply sat up and softly pressed her lips to mine. She still tasted like the flavored vodka and her breath was so warm. She pulled away and I saw her cheeks flush to a light rose color.

"I just wanted to make sure it was real," she said softly. "My head hurts so much," she said closing her eyes and taking a deep breath.

"Well you did drink a whole bottle of UV," I smirked causing her to laugh lightly. "I could really go for some pancakes."

"That sounds so good!" She jumped up and exclaimed loudly. We both groaned and reached for our heads. We let out simulatenous laughs. We finally found the energy to get up from the makeshift bed, and she gathered the empty alcohol bottles and put them in a plastic bag. "Hey we still have that motel room for a couple hours, why don't we take showers and brush our teeth?"

"Yeah, I could use a cold shower to wake myself up," I agreed.

"Well good, because that's all they offer," she grinned. I hopped into the driver's seat and started up the bus with ease and made way into town where the motel was. She shoved the key in the lock and everything was still how we had left it before. She laughed when she saw the door lying on the floor, and I smirked when I saw the bed. She sauntered into the doorless bathroom and squealed a few minutes later. "I'm still not used to this water temperature!" She shouted. I smiled to myself and let out a sigh. Had all of that really happened last night? She told me she liked me, and then she kissed me multiple times. It all felt so surreal. I never imagined somone like her feeling the same way about someone like me. "My hair is practically frozen," she said walking out of the bathroom minutes later. She was wrapped in a towel, and her hair was hanging past her shoulders. She still had small water droplets on her neck that dripped down onto her shoulders and something about the way she looked in that moment drove me wild. "Shower is all yours," she said snapping me back into reality.

When I stepped out of the shower, I frantically wrapped myself in a towel and heard a faint noise. I listened closer and heard her humming softly. I dried myself off and began slipping on my clothes. When I walked back into the room she was dancing around to a song that was playing throught the speakers on her phone. When she turned around I saw that she had completed her makeup, got dressed, and blow dried her hair within the time that I had showered. I chuckled as soon as I saw her - she looked so enchanting just spinning around and moving freely to the music. She blushed when she saw me and I walked over to her and grabbed her hand.

"Dance with me," she whispered in my ear before twirling herself around in my arms.

"Drive fast, I can almost taste it now
L.A., I don't even have to fake it now
You were like so sick, everybody said it
You were way ahead of the trend, ge-get it
Elvis is the best, hell yes
Honey, put on that party dress"

She rocked slowly in my arms with her head resting on my chest while the music played on. "You're so beautiful," I blurted out. She looked up and her beautiful irises met mine and they glimmered causing the blue in her eyes to turn a slighter shade brighter.

"Is this real?" She asked turning around to face me. I looked at her with a questioning expression and she laced our fingers with us. "When I told you how I felt it was a shot in the dark; I wasn't sure if you felt the same way back," she admitted.

"I've wanted to tell you for so long," I whispered. I kissed her forehead and she closed her eyes. "Let's go get some breakfast and get down the road."


I watched her intently as she poured the syrup onto her waffle making sure that every indent was filled to the tip with the syrup. The breakfast food was drowning in syrup, and when she looked up at me and her eyes met mine she laughed. "I like syrup," she shrugged.

"I can tell," I nodded. She took a bite and a moan escaped her mouth causing me to look back up at her.

"Oh my god, this is amazing." She pointed to her food and took another bite.

"How can you even taste it through the syrup flood you have on your plate?" I chuckled. She rolled her eyes and fed me a bite and I moaned as well. "Damn, that is good," I nodded. We continued to eat and I couldn't get over how she had to top her food, and how she drank chocolate milk with a colorful straw. The freckles on her cheeks stood out from the natural lighting in the diner that we were in, and her humorous giggle surrounded our booth. She tipped the waitress and I paid the bill and we were set for Seattle.

"It's going to be a long drive," she frowned. I nodded and she grabbed my hand. "This road trip is going so great," she smiled.

"I'm happy you brought me," I admitted. I reached over and kissed her soft pink lips and rested my forehead against hers. "You taste like syrup." We both exchanged grins and I started up the vehicle. She pulled out the paper map and instructed me where to go and kicked her feet up on the dash. She turned the music up and rolled down her window so her hair was flying in the wind while she stared deeply out into nature.

After nearly an hour of driving we came up on a sign and she perked up from her seat. "Zipling. 1.5 miles ahead," she read the sign aloud and looked over at me. "We have to do that." I looked at her to make sure she was being serious but she didn't crack a single smile. "Come on, Johnson. Let's have fun." I nodded and turned onto the next road. I followed the multiple wooden signs until we approached a white building in the middle of nowhere. "This is going to be so much fun."

"I don't have the best feeling about this place," I said as I slowly coasted into the dirt parking lot. I looked around and saw that the building sat fairly close to the cliff. "If we get murdered I'm going to be so pissed off at you."

"Shut up," she giggled. I parked the car and we approached the door and walked inside. "Hello?" She called out. There was no one sitting at the desk in the small front room, and I shivered from the drop in temperature. The air conditioner was blowing fiercely and I looked over at her and she shuddered. "Anyone here?" She called out again. A door opened and a man walked out.

"Oh, sorry," he chuckled. He was rather tall and it amazed me that he actually made it out of the doorway without having to duck too far down. "Are you guys here to go ziplining?" Arizona nodded and I bit my lip nervously. "Alright, let's get you set up then," he clasped his large hands together and smiled showing a smile full of crooked teeth. Arizona paid and we followed him to get the gear on. Another man followed us out back as well - he was much shorter and less intimidating. They went over the rules and safety instructions and the smile on Arizona's face grew wider and wider with every word.

"Are you ready?" The shorter man asked us. I nodded along with Arizona, and withing a few mere seconds we were gliding through the air.

"This is so fun!" Arizona shouted happily. I smiled over at me - she was making me fall for her more and more.

Arizona ✦ JohnsonWhere stories live. Discover now