Chapter 15 pt 2

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I woke up in my comfy bed, my husband sleeping soundly behind me.

I remembered what he told me last night, and I got dressed.

I put on a thrasher T-shirt and a jeans skirt before waking up Max.

I took him and Benji out for a walk, and when I came back Bren was dressed and drinking his coffee.

I scared him a bit, he was wearing a white shirt with black jeans.

"So, that surprise you told me about."


"Are you listening to me?"

"Liz, of course I'm listening. Carry on."

"Where're we going?"

"Let's just say we're going to LA."

"B, I haven't been to LA in forever, and the only time we really do go is when you have meetings."

"I have a surprise for you, that's all I can say."

"Do we have to do anything before we go?"

"Well, I do have one surprise before we go."


"So you know how I'm signed to the same label as Fun. right?"


"So, Nate and the guys gave me something for you."

He pulled out a wrapped gift out of his briefcase.

It was flat and it said: For Elizabeth Urie.

I squealed as Brendon handed it to me.

I ripped it open and inside was a signed copy of their newest album, Some Nights.

"Holy Crap."

"Do you like it?"

"Like it? I love it!"

He chuckled.

"Can I play it on our way to LA?"

"Of course, you're driving after all."

"Wait, what?"

"I'm just kidding babe, I'm driving."

"That's what I thought."

We got in the car and I put the cd in.

I skipped the Some Nights intro, which prompted We Are Young to come on, and of course, I proceeded to sing the lyrics at the top of my lungs.

Brendon chuckled as he watched me have my moment.

After an hour, we pulled into someone's driveway. It was a huge house, probably a little more expensive than ours.

He rang the doorbell and we just heard a faint come in.

We walked into the living room and what I saw next blew my socks off.

Nathaniel Freaking Ruess was sitting on the couch.

"Hey B!", he said.

"Nate! What's up?", B replied.

"And this must be the famous Elizabeth I've heard so much about! Pleasure to meet you.", he said, holding his hand out to shake mine.

I shook his hand lightly, still in shock.

"She's shy?"

"No, she's just in denial. You're her favorite artist of all time and I gave her the Some Nights cd today. She was blasting it on the way here."

"T-that's not true.", I said.

"Hey, there's nothing to be ashamed of. I do it all the time."

I smiled a little.

"Do you want a hug? Maybe it'll ease you a little."

"Yes, thank you."

He put his arms out and I gave him a hug.

(this is making me want to write a Nate Ruess fanfic now ugh)

"You guys thirsty? I have grape juice and apple juice in the fridge."

"We'll both have a glass of grape juice, thank you.", I said.

He smiled before going into the kitchen.

"Do you like your surprise?", B asked.

I just gave him a huge hug.

"B, I was gonna buy us tickets to the concert. Thank you."

"Anything for the girl I love most."

He kissed my cheek just as Nate walked in.

"You two are absolutely adorable."

"Thanks, Nate.", I replied.

"So future Mrs. Urie, what's it like having a total child as your fiancé?"

"I mean, it's fun. He's a child at times, but he tends to be serious every now and again."

Oh my god, I just made a reference to his band and didn't even notice it.

"Totally agree. Brendon always has been a child."

A few hours later, we decided to say our goodbyes.

"Liz! Before you guys leave, can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah of course."

"Okay. You are basically friends with me now. So in order to keep that alive, Liz, I need your phone number."

"Of course! It's xxx- xxx- xxxx."

"Stay safe, you guys."

"You too." (at this point I was at 666 words and I kinda got creeped out)

I just gave B the biggest hug ever.

"Thank you."

"No, thank you."

I kissed him before falling asleep in the front seat.

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