17 - Mortal Queen

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Amelie's pov

It has almost been a month and a half. Nothing has changed. Absolutely nothing. Same harsh comments from my mate. Same angry looks from him. Same hatred from him.

The same old things that I will never get used to.

Everytime me and Kail cross paths, he gives me a harsh glare that makes me cower in fright. It scares me. Especially after I realised he is half dragon shifter.

What if he gets more angry and lashes out at me?

But I still did my best to keep my posture.

I kept a blank face all the time. It hurts my chest to see Victoria and Kail together. It hurts to see them hug, kiss and interact like mates do.

It hurts. It hurts so bad.

So, I decided to do something. Silent treatment.

That's an idea my dearest 3 friends came up with. Guess who?

Yep. Caden; the joker, Callie; the serious/wise, and Camille; the genius.

You see the plan is for me to not talk to him. Even if it's completely necessary. I'm going to distance myself from him. I will keep my distance. I won't even look at him.

So that's what I exactly am doing right now.

I'm currently sitting in the library. So is he. He is doing some alpha works. I'm reading a book called The Supernatural Beings.

I was tempted to look at the Greek god in front of me. But I didn't. Not even once.

However I couldn't concentrate on the book in my hand either. I couldn't because I feel his burning gaze on me here and then.

Not to mention I have got a bit moody these days. Don't know what the hell is wrong with me. I snap at people a few times.

At last, annoyed for some reason that I myself don't even know, I slammed my head against the table. Hard.

I winced in pain before lifting my head up, standing up from the chair and storming out of the room with my book. The whole time I felt his eyes on me.

It took everything in me to not turn around and snap at him.

I slammed the door shut behind me and frowned when I saw Caden, Callie, Camille, Sophie and Tristan looking at me from across the hall.

"what?" I raised an eyebrow.

"we need to talk." Callie said.

"huh?" I asked.

"it's very important." Caden said rushing towards me. He grabbed my arm and ran towards his room with the others following behind.

Once we are inside I turned around folding my arms across my chest.

"what's going on? What's the rush? Why are we in his room?" I demanded answers.

"We are about to have an important conversation." Camille said

It's not my first time in his room. And trust me, I don't want to be here. This room is full of posters of girls in bikinis! Ewww!

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