49 - Helena [Final Chapter]

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Amelie's pov


"NOOO!" I screamed. Xander lunged at him in anger, already knowing that it's a death wish.

"No! Xanderrrrrr!" Amara screamed. But it was too late.

Everything happened so fast. One by one in my family. They all died before my eyes. First, Avion. Second, Emery. Third, Xander. Amara. Mom. And Armelle. When Armelle died, I heard Caden's painful howl.

Everyone in my family is gone now. And the killer is... my mate.. Kail. He killed the last bit of my happiness. Stomped on it. Crushed it. He killed my family when I only got them. He knew how much I love them. He knows how much I wanted them to be with me. But he crushed it.

"remember? You said I can't break someone who is already broken?" he chuckled. "but I did. I broke you. All over again. How sweet of me, eh? Don't worry. I'll put an end to your suffering too. I'll make you feel how much it could've hurt Kaila. But worse." he came towards me. I couldn't help but take a step back.

"you can't run away, Amelie. You can't. You honestly think you can? You are surrounded by fire. Although my hand has no effect on you, I can still burn you." he smirked.

"I would rather kill myself." I gritted out.

Why am I backing away? I shouldn't. I should let him kill me. And let him regret it when he comes back to his senses. I'll make him suffer. After all... he killed my heart when he killed my family.

How did I fall for such a monster?

"fine. Kill me. Kail. Kill me." I stopped walking back and stood my ground.

He didn't hesitate. He took a dagger out of his shorts pocket. "you don't need to tell me. I will kill you with or without your permission."

He plunged the arrow into my stomach. My eyes widened as pain enveloped me. I closed my eyes and tried to not scream. I won't give him the satisfaction of seeing me scream in death.

I saw Kail close his eyes probably because of the pain in his body. The matebond. When he opened his eyes, his blue eyes met my lime green ones. He looked hesitant.

I touched his hand. "what? Y-you are... starting t-o regret? C-come on. Don't be s-such a co-ward..." I coughed.

His eyes once again filled with vengeance. "I'm no coward, Amelie." he growled, pulling the knife out of me and plunged it back into my stomach. I collapsed this time. Tears came out of my eyes.

He took his knife again and stabbed me. I felt black dots appear before my eyes. I knew it was my last few seconds.

Kail took the knife and threw it away from me.

"I... hate y-you, Kail. I... fu-cking.. l- l- loa-the yo.. You." I choked it out as I felt my breathing start to get shallow.


3rd person's pov


Kail sat there watching life leave his mates eyes. Her eyes rolled back after she took her last breath. It was all finally over. But Kail didn't feel relieved.

He felt something else. He felt a blood thirst he has never felt before. He wanted to kill every living being on earth. Every single person. And his first thoughts were his own family. One way or another, he wanted to fill his thirst. Therefore, he stood up and walked through the fire towards where his family was.

Everyone was shocked when they saw him. They were mad. Furious even. As for Callie, she wanted to kill him on the spot for being so heartless. She has stopped considering him, her family. Her brother died the minute he killed Avion.

Her mate.

Not only did he kill her mate, but also Caden's. Currently, Caden was on his knees. His eyes on the ground as tears streamed down his face. He lost his mate. His brother killed his mate.

They all hated him at that moment. There was nothing they could do. Amelie is gone. Their best friend is gone. Someone they considered as a family. They lost so many people in one day. And except Artorius, it was all his fault.

They didn't even fight back when he started killing one by one. They were too tired to fight. They have lost hope now. They have nothing to live for anymore. They were all lost now.

So they let Kail kill everyone of them.

He roared and shifted into his dragon form sending fire balls everywhere. He moved towards Amelie and sent a huge fireball through his mouth. He watched her burn.

That's when he saw a girl standing in front of him. A kid. The kid he saw that day when he went to Lupus Tenebris.

"it looks like your destiny was actually true. You really were destined for destruction. To kill your own happiness, your mate." she said

Kail growled at her. "did you know that? You just killed my master? I only went to the human town to get some food for when Amelie wake up. And when I came, this is what I saw. You think I'll forgive you after what I did?" Helena asked.

"does it look like I care, kid?" Kail growled. Something told him to not kill her. There was an abnormal power coming of of the kid.

"your mate... Amelie. She fought her destiny because she loved you. See? She won the fight. She made her own destiny after that. And yet, you called her pathetic? Although she was able to bend her own destiny, you weren't. You know what I call pathetic? You. You couldn't even be grateful for what you had." Helena chuckled bitterly.

"she killed my pups!"

"no. Ereka did. You can't blame her. In fact, it wasn't her who killed your pups."

"then who did?"

"you did." Helena said.

"I didn't!"

"well... Did you know that she was pregnant when you killed her? She was carrying your child. She didn't even get the chance to know that she was carrying a part of you in her. So Kail. You are the one who killed your own baby. And its mother." Helena said to Kail. His eyes widened in disbelief and regret.

"now... let me avenge my master and her family." with that she lunged at Kail gripping his neck in a death grip, she snapped his head. And Kail fell on the ground. Lifeless.

Helena snapped her finger and water from the nearby lake came flowing in the mid air. She made the water fall on the fire.

Now the whole place looks like a war zone. With dead people everywhere. In the middle of everyone, laid the hybrid king and the human queen. Their child is still in her womb. But dead just like them.

"one selfish decision of his brought death to all of them. And he says he isn't pathetic." Helena muttered.

"let the evil souls go to the deepest of hell and the good to the heaven."

"and here by... it's just another beginning. Of another queen." Helena walked away from that place. Without looking back.

~ T H E . E N D ~


I'm sorry..


Please give me a few comments on this story. ☺️


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