Chap 43 - Triplets

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Amelie's pov


I didn't have breakfast today. I was waiting for everyone to finish so I could go. Aerowyn has been giving me creepy eyes for a while, so I was scared. Besides, sitting with everyone is too stressful. Reason no. 1. They would give me any Kail weird looks and try to get us to talk to each other. No. 2. Kail would be there.

I was currently at the library. I looked around for an interesting book. Then I remembered about the story I have started to read but didn't finish. So I took my phone and sat down on a seat and opened Wattpad.

Bad boy summer.


I was so engrossed in the book that I didn't notice the door open. I didn't even feel like being watched. Neither did I feel the presence behind me.

That was until the large shadow fell on the table. My eyes widened as I turned around and almost screamed.

"Kail." I relaxed.

But then I stiffened. "wh-what are you doing here?" I asked him, trying to hide my fear.

"why weren't you at the breakfast table?" he asked emotionlessly.

"because I wasn't hungry." I replied standing up from the chair and putting my phone in my pocket.

"I can tell that you are lying." he said.

"why do you care?" I asked him sharply.

"I don't."

"then leave." I said to him.

"I asked you a question. So answer me!"

"I won't. It's none of your business, Kail! Get out of here! I don't want to see you right now!" I yelled.

He growled in anger and pushed me against a shelf. "stop this attitude right now!"

"or else?" I taunted.

"or else I will..."

"what? Or else what? Tell me. What would you do? Hit me? Like you did yesterday? Sink your claws into my arm again? Push me away so that my head will hit somewhere again? Huh? What would you do Kail?! Tell me! WHAT WOULD YOU DO?!" I screamed hitting his chest. "the last thing that could happen is death." I whispered aggressively.

"I'm scared of many things. But death is not one of them. I have been at the mouth of death since I was born. So I don't fear it."

But I am afraid of you.

His eyes darkened as he stared at me.

"you brought me back here. You brought me back into this hell hole. You promised to never hurt me again. You broke it. You hurt me." I jabbed my fingers into his chest.

"but guess what?" I asked. "you can't break me. Not again. Because you can't break an already broken person." I gave him a tight lipped smile and tried to walk away past him.

But he caged me in his arms. "shut up." he fumed. "what? Is the truth that difficult to deal with?" I laughed bitterly. "well... to me it was. I actually thought you had changed. That you would never physically hurt me no matter how angry you are. But I was wrong. Don't worry. I have learned to accept the truth..."

He smashed his lips on mine, shushing me up. He gripped my arms and pulled them above my head and pressed them against the shelf. When I tried to move my lips away from his, he bit my lips hard. Ouch.

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