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ni-ki's mother gave jungwon a concern look. she just happened to open the door for him since he was knocking non stop and she was surprise of the view that was in front of her.

jungwon with red eyes and tear stained cheeks. he looks like he's about to pass out from too much crying.

"honey, are you okay? what happened?" she asked worriedly.

"where's ni-ki? I need to see him." he didn't mean to sound rude but he was desperate to face ni-ki.

"he's.. he's upstairs, in his room. come in."

ni-ki was just finishing his homework when someone suddenly barge into his room. he was surprised to see jungwon here since they didn't plan to meet today.

"aren't you suppose to be at a date with jay hyung?"

"I would be if it weren't for you," he got startled when jungwon pulled his collar with both of his hands and slamming him in the wall. "why? why did you do that?" jungwon yelled at him.

ni-ki was petrified but jungwon didn't care. he was just full of rage. of course, he was sure that it was ni-ki who told jay. the two of them are the only one who knows about it.

"h-hyung... I don't understand." he stutters.

"he.. he knows about it. jay was so upset about it that he.." jungwon's hold of him loosen up and he just suddenly feel on his knees, bursting in tears again. "jay hyung... he said that.. he told me.." he couldn't find the strength to finish his sentence. he was badly hurt from it.

ni-ki kneeled beside him and pulled him in his arms. jungwon buried his face on his friend's chest and just let himself cry. 

"I don't know what happened, hyung, but I'm here for you. just cry it out until you got no tears left."

jungwon did as told, he let himself cry until he got tired and fell asleep on ni-ki's arm. the younger had to carry him to his bed so he could sleep peacefully. he doesn't know what's happening but for sure it is bad news and it's about jay. 

he went to the kitchen for a glass of water when he saw his sister there. she was staring into nothing at all while she gulps her own water.

"hey, where have you been?" ni-ki asked, noticing her outfit.

she looks at him in surprise. "oh I.. I just went out for a walk." 

"oh, okay." he shrugs and opens the fridge. she was about to went out of the kitchen when ni-ki spoke again, "be quiet upstairs. jungwon hyung is sleeping in my room."

"he's here?" 

"uhm yeah.."

she just nods before completely leaving the kitchen. ni-ki stares at the place she was just standing in. there was something wrong with her and ni-ki has to find out  what it is.

it's been a week since the break up and jungwon is recovering little by little. not that he was already moving on, because he still hasn't even start doing that, but he didn't cry like before. on the first few days of the break up, if he wasn't crying, he would just stare into space. 

his friends were all worried of him. all of them found out the truth, they were upset of what the two youngest did but couldn't find the will to stay mad at them. they didn't want jungwon to feel worse and of course, jungwon is still their friend. they understand the way jay reacted but they think that maybe if jay had let him explain, they wouldn't be like this.

"he's still not gonna sit with us?" jungwon ask during lunch while looking at the seat that jay usually was at.

"uhm.. he said he has homework to finish." sunghoon said, unsure.

"homework? so making out with someone is homework now?" jungwon jokes but hurt was evident in his voice.

he knows it. he knows that jay was back in his old ways again, much worse than before too. he had been with different girls and boys everyday, skipping lunch to date with them or just simply make out with them in some corners of their school. 

just yesterday, jungwon was on his way to get coffee but when he saw jay and someone with him inside the shop, clinging into each other as if they were the only one there, made him forget about his coffee and just run back home. it was another one of his nights where he cried himself to sleep.

maybe it was true, jay just played with him. he was just another one of his victims and he was stupid enough to fell for his traps. 

but why did it feel so true? they way jay always hold him like he didn't want to let go, in fear that jungwon might vanish. all of their I love you's and kisses felt so sincere that jungwon believe that everything will be alright between them.

well what did he expect from a veteran playboy? jay is an expert with all of that. 

he thinks he's also one to blame. he did plan to break the older's heart and again, he's dumb for thinking that he will succeed without falling for him in the end. 

ni-ki apologized to him countless of times already, saying sorry because he was the one that pushed him to do it and that he swears he wasn't the one who told jay, but jungwon waved him off. ni-ki did told him to stop the plan already but he was too stubborn to do so. 

now here he is, left broken by jay. what he hates is that he can't even hate jay despite what just happened. all he wanted was for him to come back and tell him he didn't mean everything he said, that he does love jungwon.

how foolish of him to hope for that.

I thought that I cound end this with 15 chapters again but I guess not. 

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