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jungwon groans as he lets go of his pen. he was trying to answer his math homework but jay keeps finding his way to occupy his mind. 

jay and his words were affecting him but he has to avoid falling for it. now he understands why jay has a lot of admirers, why girls and boys chases him. he was really good at making people fall.

but no, jungwon can't fall for him. he doesn't plan to get his heart broken and he was only enduring jay's presence because it was for his friend. after succeeding in his plan he will start acting as if jay does not exist. that'll be hard tho since they are both friends with sunoo.

he collects his stuffs and puts them back in his bag. the assignment was due three days from now anyways so he could continue it tomorrow. his phone suddenly rang when he was about to lay in his bed. confusion takes over him when he saw that it was an unknown number.

"hello, who is this?" he ask.

"the love of your life." jungwon rolls his eyes upon recognizing the voice.

"how did you get my number?" 

he doesn't remember giving jay his number. he didn't bother asking for it because it might feed jay's ego. the guy is already annoying him by teasing him that he's head over heels for him. oh jay, if only you know the truth.

"I asked sunoo for it. realized that I'll need it since you're my soon to be." jungwon swears he can imagine jay's cheeky smile while saying that.

"oh so you are considering with genuinely falling for me?"


jungwon smirks. maybe this will be easy for him. well he is yang jungwon, he can make anyone fall for him in just a snap. maybe it's also why ni-ki trust him in this.

"hey jungwon. still there?" jay's voice snap him out from his thought. he almost forgot that he was in a call with him.

"yes." he says. "do you have anything else to say?"

"actually I was about to ask you to go out with me."

"oh cool. when?"

"right now."

"what?!" jungwon raised his voice which cause jay to wince. his phone was directly in his ears. "what do you mean right now? tell me you're joking." 

jay chuckles. "I'm not. look outside your window."

jungwon swiftly did as told and there he saw jay leaning in his car. he looks really cool but jungwon doesn't have time to admire him right now. jay is literally in front of their house.

"what are you doing there? gosh hyung go home."

"oh come on. I drove all the way here and you're just gonna make me leave."

"how did you even know where I live?" he ask then realize that it must be sunoo. "nevermind. don't answer that."

"come on. go out with me." he saw that jay was already pouting. 

"wait for me." he then ends the call before making his way to jay. he makes sure to be quiet as possible since his parents were probably sleeping already. heck, it was already 9 in the evening.

jay smiles when he saw the tiny figure walking out from their door but jungwon wasn't amuse to see him at all. 

"go home already!" he almost yelled at jay.

"but I just got here. come on, it'll only be for a little while." jay speaks in pout.

"can't you bother someone else? I'm really busy right now." no, he was not.

"my friends are on a date with their own boyfriend so I figured why not take my future boyfriend on a date too?"

jungwon wanted to laugh at him. oh jay, he'll broke you before that'll actually happens.

"we could go on a date but not right now. now go home."

"it'll only be a for an hour."

"jay hyung I said--"


there jungwon finds himself in a convenience store, buying some food. he can't believe their first date was going to be in a convenience store.

"are we seriously eating here? I thought you'll bring me somewhere nicer." jungwon scoffs.

jay looks at him with raised eyebrow. "with that clothes?" he says, referring to jungwon's pajama's.

"what's wrong with my dino pajama's?" he hits jay's arms causing the guy to chuckle.

"hmm well you do look cute in it."

jungwon gave him a wide smile, showing off his dimples. "I know right?"

"but we're not eating here. we'll go somewhere."

jungwon stood there confuse. where was jay planning to take him? 

"come on, let's go." he was thinking too hard that he didn't even notice jay already payed for the stuffs they get.

jay intertwines their hands together, which startled him, before pulling him out of the store. they held hands on the way to his car and jungwon couldn't explain why he was blushing because of this.

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