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"is it true?" sunoo said while following jungwon.

"what's true?" 

sunoo overtakes and stands in front of jungwon to block him. "you were asking jay hyung to date you seriously?"

"wow news about him really spreads like fire." jungwon said amazed. 

"of course it does! that's park jongseong!" sunoo exclaims. "but that's not what we're talking about. you didn't deny it so it is true?"

jungwon didn't hear half of what sunoo said because he was distracted by jay. the said guy is just a few steps aways from them and was flirting with a guy jungwon doesn't know.

wasn't he with a girl this morning? jungwon thought.

sunoo notice him spacing out so he snaps a finger in front of his face. "earth to jungwon. hello, I am talking to you."

jungwon looks at him for a second before walking pass him. "this will answer your question." sunoo watches him confuse, until he saw him walking towards jay. this is really surprising for him to believe.

"jay hyung," jungwon calls out for him sweetly. "aren't we suppose to go somewhere today? let's go now."

jay gave him a confuse look. he was about to ask him what it is about but the guy he was with beats him to it.

"who are you?"

jungwon looks at the guy with a huge smile, you won't be able to tell that it was fake. "yang jungwon, his boyfriend." 

"jay is everyone's boyfriend."

"not anymore. I don't share what's mine."

the guy glares at him and push him. "leave us alone. you're crazy."

jungwon didn't like what he just heard. his eyes darken and he was about to attack the guy but he was stop by jay stepping in between them.

"just leave." the guy gave one last glare to jungwon before stomping away.

"you shouldn't have made him leave. I could have taught him a lesson."

jay looks at him clearly amuse. "you do know that he's larger than you, right?"

"I am aware of that. are you underestimating me? I could flip you down right now."

"woah calm down!" jay put his two hands up. "I'm not. is that how you are when you're jealous?"

"I am not jealous. why would I be?" he raised an eyebrow at jay.

"why wouldn't you be? you just admitted this morning that you wanted to date me."

oh right... jungwon almost  forgot why he was doing this.

"you amaze me kid. you're ready to fight anyone just so they would stay away from me. are you really that head over heels over me? well I can't blame you. I am very attractive and irresistible.."

jungwon sighs and roll his eyes. letting the guy blabber about how amazing he is. he was close to hitting him just to shut him up but a certain pink haired boy capture his attention, making him smile.

"taehyun hyung!" he calls and the said guy look at him with a smile. 

taehyun walks towards him which made jungwon's smile wider. "hey jungwon." he greets. ".. and jay." he adds, acknowledging jay's presence.

"where are you off too?" jungwon ask. 

"I was just about to head home now until you called me."

"really? I heard we live in the same street so how about we walk together?"

"sure, I would l--"

"no, you're not. I'm driving you home." jay cuts him off. 

jungwon looks at him surprise. "no, you're not."

jay rolls his eyes before pulling jungwon with him. jungwon tries pulling his hands away from him but his grip was tight.

"let go of me!" 

but jay didn't listen to his continues scream. they had gathered an audience already but they were scared of jay to even ask them what's going on. jay only let go of jungwon when they were beside his car.

"I hate you so much! why would you do that?" jungwon yells at him. "my wrist hurts." he whines and he really wants to curse at jay right now.

jay once again hold his wrist but this time gently to check on jungwon's wrist. he can confirm that it hurted since it turned red. 

"because I also don't like sharing what's mine." he says before placing a kiss on his wrist.

I wasn't suppose to update again today but since ENHYPEN won a rookie award, I couldn't help but feel happy.

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